Make the file system for the ARM development board under Linux

  • 2020-12-21 18:16:57
  • OfStack

1.Busybox source code please download on the Internet, compile method please refer to Baidu.

2. Please also set the Settings of cross-compilation tool chain first.

If there are no problems with 1 and 2 above, you can use the following script to make a file system for the ARM development board.

You can customize it by yourself and add your own Test demo.

#yuanxin.yang develop 2015-07-05
# File system and Busybox The path of the ====> Customizable 
FILESYSTEM=/Softwave/filesystem         # Define the location of your own file system 
BUSYBOX=/Softwave/arm/busybox-1.17.2  #Busybox Location of software 
LIBS=/usr/local/arm/4.5.1/arm-none-linux-gnueabi # The location of the relevant library files for cross-compilation 
# Determine if the file exists   If there is   Just delete 
if [ -d $FILESYSTEM ]
  rm -rf $FILESYSTEM &>/dev/null
  mkdir $FILESYSTEM &>/dev/null 
  mkdir $FILESYSTEM &>/dev/null 
# copy busybox Relevant documents 
if ! cp -rf $BUSYBOX/_install/* $FILESYSTEM &>/dev/null
  echo "cp busybox failed..."
  exit 1
# Copies of the library 
if ! cp -rf $LIBS/lib/ $FILESYSTEM/ &>/dev/null
  echo "copy libs fair...."
  exit 1
# copy etc
if ! cp -rf $BUSYBOX/examples/bootfloppy/etc $FILESYSTEM &>/dev/null
  echo "copy etc fair..."
  exit 1
# create Linux The directories 
cd $FILESYSTEM &>/dev/null
mkdir boot mnt root sys var net proc tmp dev home opt &>/dev/null
# Modify configuration file 
echo > $FILESYSTEM/etc/fstab 
# Modify the etc/profile file 
echo "# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shells" > $FILESYSTEM/etc/profile
echo "echo \"===========================\"" >> $FILESYSTEM/etc/profile
echo "echo \"Welcom to Linux System\"" >> $FILESYSTEM/etc/profile
echo "echo \"===========================\"" >> $FILESYSTEM/etc/profile
echo "export PS1=\"[jiaobenzhijia@Linux \W] # \"" >> $FILESYSTEM/etc/profile
# Modify the  etc/init.d/rcS
echo "#! /bin/sh" > $FILESYSTEM/etc/init.d/rcS
echo "/bin/mount -n -t proc none /proc" >> $FILESYSTEM/etc/init.d/rcS 
echo "/bin/mount -n -t sysfs none /sys " >> $FILESYSTEM/etc/init.d/rcS 
echo "/bin/mount  -t ramfs none /dev " >> $FILESYSTEM/etc/init.d/rcS 
echo "/bin/mount -n -t ramfs none /tmp " >> $FILESYSTEM/etc/init.d/rcS 
echo "/sbin/mdev -s"           >> $FILESYSTEM/etc/init.d/rcS  
# configuration nfs service 
if ! grep "$FILESYSTEM" /etc/exports &>/dev/null
  echo "/filesystem *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports
# Start the service 
iptables -F &>/dev/null
service rpcbind restart 
service nfs restart 
echo "make filesystem ok....."
exit 0


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