Method of parsing linux or android to add attribute interface of file system

  • 2021-07-26 09:10:20
  • OfStack

Type 1:

1. Add key header files:

#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/kobject.h>

2. Search for the keyword "DEVICE_ATTR" in the existing driver file. If it exists, add one directly with reference to the existing method, as follows:

unsigned int Gpio134_OtgID = 134; // Define global variables 
static unsigned int otgid_status = 1;

3. Define the read and write functions of the file system:

//add zhaojr gpio134 control OTG ID for host or device mode 
static ssize_t setotgid_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,const char *buf, size_t count)       
 unsigned int ret=0;
 pr_err("%s: \n", __func__); 
 //ret = kstrtoint(buf, 10, &otgid_status);
 ret = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &otgid_status);
 //sscanf(buf, "%lu", &otgid_status);
 if (ret < 0){
  pr_err("%s::kstrtouint() failed \n", __func__);
 //sscanf(buf, "%d", &otgid_status);
 pr_err("%s: otgid_status=%d \n", __func__,otgid_status); 
 if(otgid_status > 0){
  gpio_set_value(Gpio134_OtgID, 1); 
  gpio_set_value(Gpio134_OtgID, 0); 
 return count;
static ssize_t setotgid_show(struct device *dev,struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)  
 pr_err("%s: \n", __func__); 
 return sprintf(buf, "%d\n",otgid_status);
//static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(setotgid);
/*struct device_attribute dev_attr_setotgid = {     
  .attr = {.name ="setotgid",       
  .mode = 0664},   
  .show = setotgid_show,       
  .store = setotgid_store,    
//setotgid Adj. 1 Cause sex, first 1 Parameters setotgid And setotgid_show , setotgid_store Forward drilling must be maintained 1 To 
static DEVICE_ATTR(setotgid, 0664, setotgid_show, setotgid_store); 
//end zhaojr add
static struct device_attribute *android_usb_attributes[] = {
 &dev_attr_setotgid, //setotgid Follow DEVICE_ATTR Defined name Must be maintained 1 To 

4. Define requests and initializations for specific GPIO pins in the probe () function

static int mdss_mdp_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
//zhaojr add for gpio134 to usb host or device mode
 ret_status=gpio_request(Gpio134_OtgID, "Gpio134-OtgID");
  pr_err("usb gadget configfs %s::Gpio134_OtgID gpio_request failed\n",__func__); 
 pr_err("android_device_create()::Gpio134_OtgID gpio_request OK\n"); 
 if(otgid_status > 0){ // Add this judgment if there is a custom initialization status, and do not need to add it if there is no one if else Operation 
  pr_err("%s-Gpio134_OtgID pin set 1\n", __func__);
  gpio_set_value(Gpio134_OtgID, 1); 
  pr_err("%s-Gpio134_OtgID pin set 0\n", __func__);
  gpio_set_value(Gpio134_OtgID, 0); 
 //end zhaojr add

5. Add resource release in remove () function

static int mdss_mdp_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
 struct mdss_data_type *mdata = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
 if (!mdata)
  return -ENODEV; 
 pr_err("%s\n", __func__);
 gpio_free(Gpio134_OtgID); //zhaojr add free gpio otgid pin

Method 2:

If there is no search for the keyword "DEVICE_ATTR" in the driver file to be added, such as adding the control interface for opening and closing the audio power amplifier:
1. Add key header files:

#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/kobject.h>

2. Define global variables and open and closed interfaces and organize attribute arrays:

// add zhaojr gpio63 for close or speaker pa enable
struct kobject *spk_pa_kobj = NULL;
unsigned int gpio63_spk_pa_gpio; //for speaker pa ic enable
//extern unsigned int gpio63_spk_pa_gpio;
static unsigned int SpkPa_Gpio_Enable = 0;
static ssize_t spkpaon_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,const char *buf, size_t count)  
 unsigned int ret=0;
 //ret = kstrtoint(buf, 10, &backlight_enable);
 ret = kstrtouint(buf, 10, &SpkPa_Gpio_Enable);
 if (ret < 0){
 pr_err("%s::kstrtouint() failed \n", __func__);
 pr_err("%s: SpkPa_Gpio_Enable=%d \n", __func__,SpkPa_Gpio_Enable); 
 if(SpkPa_Gpio_Enable > 0){
 //gpio_set_value(gpio63_spk_pa_gpio, 1); 
 pr_err("%s: gpio_set_value gpio63 speaker pa enable \n", __func__);
 // Timing of power amplifier opening 
 //sdm660_cdc->ext_spk_pa_set = true;
 pr_err("%s: gpio_set_value gpio63 speaker pa disable \n", __func__);
 // Timing of power amplifier closing 
 //sdm660_cdc->ext_spk_pa_set = false; 
 return count;
static ssize_t spkpaon_show(struct device *dev,struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) 
 return sprintf(buf, "%d\n",SpkPa_Gpio_Enable);
static DEVICE_ATTR(spkpaon, 0664, spkpaon_show, spkpaon_store);
static struct attribute *spkpa_attributes[] = {
static const struct attribute_group apkpa_attr_group = {
 .attrs = spkpa_attributes,
//end zhaojr add

3. Add the registration of file system attribute interface in probe () function:
There is no need to initialize the power amplifier at the time of registration, so the sdm660_cdc () function does not have an sdm660_cdc- > spk_pa_gpio (GPIO63), only the request was manipulated. For specific request operation, please refer to: EAR of audio section of

8953 and audio section of Speaker output sound configuration

vendor/qcom/opensource/audio-kernel/asoc/codecs/sdm660_cdc/msm-analog-cdc. c file operation

static int msm_anlg_cdc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
 int ret = 0;
 struct sdm660_cdc_priv *sdm660_cdc = NULL;
 struct sdm660_cdc_pdata *pdata;
 int adsp_state;
 dev_set_drvdata(&pdev->dev, sdm660_cdc);
 //kangting add
 sdm660_cdc->spk_pa_gpio = of_get_named_gpio(pdev->dev.of_node, "qcom,speaker-pa", 0);
 if (!gpio_is_valid(sdm660_cdc->spk_pa_gpio))
 pr_err("%s, sdm660_cdc->spk_pa_gpio not specified\n",__func__);
 pr_err("%s, sdm660_cdc->spk_pa_gpio is %d\n",__func__,sdm660_cdc->spk_pa_gpio);
 ret = gpio_request(sdm660_cdc->spk_pa_gpio, "spk_pa");
 if (ret) {
 pr_err("request spk_pa_gpio failed, ret=%d\n",ret);
 //kangting end
 ret = snd_soc_register_codec(&pdev->dev,
 if (ret) {
 "%s:snd_soc_register_codec failed with error %d\n",
 __func__, ret);
 goto err_supplies;
 //add by zhaojr
 gpio63_spk_pa_gpio = sdm660_cdc->spk_pa_gpio; // That defines the equipment tree species IO The slogan is obtained 
 spk_pa_kobj = kobject_create_and_add("spk_pa", NULL); // Create /sys/spk_pa/ Directory 
 ret = sysfs_create_group(spk_pa_kobj, &apkpa_attr_group); // Create /sys/class/spk_pa/spkpaon Node 
 if (ret)
 dev_err(&pdev->dev,"%s:sysfs_create_group failed with error\n",__func__);
 //end zhaojr add 

4. Release resources in remove function

static int msm_anlg_cdc_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
 struct sdm660_cdc_priv *sdm660_cdc = dev_get_drvdata(&pdev->dev);
 struct sdm660_cdc_pdata *pdata = sdm660_cdc->dev->platform_data;
 int count;
 //add by zhaojr // Release resources 
 kobject_put(spk_pa_kobj); // Key function 
 sysfs_remove_group(spk_pa_kobj, &apkpa_attr_group); // Key function 
 //end zhaojr add
 for (count = 0; count < sdm660_cdc->child_count &&
 count < ANLG_CDC_CHILD_DEVICES_MAX; count++)
 msm_anlg_cdc_disable_supplies(sdm660_cdc, pdata);
 devm_kfree(&pdev->dev, sdm660_cdc);
 return 0;


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