How to download python without network in linux environment

  • 2021-07-10 20:16:22
  • OfStack

Sometimes you need to build an environment when you can't connect to the Internet, and you must use the previous environment, because your code needs to run in the same environment. This is convenient for development

Method 1:

1. Downloads the specified package to the specified folder. 
 pip list # View installed packages 
  pip freeze > requirements.txt   Will have passed pip The name of the installed package is logged to the  requirements.txt In a file 
  Create a directory to store the installation package: mkdir /packs
      pip install  --download  /packs pandas( Storage 1 A pandas Bag )
         pip install  --download  /packs -r requirements.txt (Storage requirements.txt All packages listed) 
2. Installs the specified offline package 
  pip install  --no-index  --find-links=/packs/  pandas  Or 
  pip install  --no-index  --find-links=/packs/  -r  requirements.txt   (It may also be  --find-link)

However, this method will have many problems after my test. For example, in pip install-download/packs-r requirements. txt, some packages may not be downloaded, and the installation on the new server after downloading the packages may lack dependencies and be unsuccessful.

Method 2:

That is to use the integrated environment-Anaconda, which is super simple to install, because it is a packaged environment, and the third party package of python that you download and install later is in this environment, so you only need to copy the installed Anconda package to the server that is not networked (of course, it needs to be configured on. bashrc).

Step 1 Install Anconda now:

Download the Anconda installation package from official website, where I use Anaconda3-5. 2.0-Linux-x86_64. sh.


1 way Enter, Y, and then remind you to configure the environment

echo 'export PATH="/home/wwk/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc

source .bashrc

Of course, you are also allowed to choose the installation path. If you choose OK by default, now verify whether the installation is successful

conda -V

If the version number appears, it is successful.

Step 2 Install the packages you need:

Anconda integrates pip and conda. Of course, both of them can download various packages, such as pip isntall somepackage, conda install somepackage. However, when downloading with conda command, there may be a problem. If the installation package you need is not 1, it will definitely hit (because the domestic mirror channel may not be found). Take py2neo package as an example

wwk@wwk-Aspire-V3-572G:~$ conda install py2neo
Fetching package metadata .............
PackageNotFoundError: Packages missing in current channels:
 - py2neo
We have searched for the packages in the following channels:

So we have two ways:

1. For the most direct words, we directly download the installation packages we need from other ways, such as downloading zip from github, decompressing tar. gz and other compressed packages, then entering the decompression directory and installing them with python setup. py install command (note that which python is needed to see if the environment is in anconda at this time, so as to ensure installation in anconda environment). In fact, it is also convenient to install pip directly (embedded in anconda).

2. Then, to solve the above problems, input: anaconda search-t conda py2neo

wwk@wwk-Aspire-V3-572G:~$ anaconda search -t conda py2neo
Using Anaconda API:
   Name           | Version | Package Types  | Platforms    | Builds  
   ------------------------- |  ------ | --------------- | --------------- | ----------
   auto/py2neo        |  1.6.4 | conda      | linux-64, linux-32 | py27_0  
   bioconda-legacy/py2neo  |  3.1.2 | conda      | linux-64, osx-64 | py36_0, py27_0, py35_0, py34_0
   cmckeague/py2neo     |   3b1 | conda      | linux-armv7l  | py27_0  
                     : Python client library and toolkit for Neo4j
   conda-forge/py2neo    | 4.0.0b2 | conda      | linux-64, win-32, osx-64, win-64 | py36_0, py35_0, py27_0
                     : Python client library and toolkit for Neo4j
   ivoflipse/py2neo     |  1.6.4 | pypi, conda   | win-64     | py27_0  
                     : Python client library for the Neo4j REST server
   mutirri/py2neo      |  2.0.8 | conda      | linux-64, win-32, win-64, osx-64 | py27_0, py33_0, py35_0, py34_0
                     : Python client library and toolkit for Neo4j
Found 6 packages
Run 'anaconda show <USER/PACKAGE>' to get installation details

Then enter: anaconda show conda-forge/py2neo to see the channel where you want to install the package

wwk@wwk-Aspire-V3-572G:~$ anaconda show conda-forge/py2neo
Using Anaconda API:
Name:  py2neo
Summary: Python client library and toolkit for Neo4j
Access: public
Package Types: conda
  + 4.0.0b2
  + 3.1.2
To install this package with conda run:
   conda install --channel py2neo

We can enter copy according to the prompt in the last line

wwk@wwk-Aspire-V3-572G:~$ conda install --channel py2neo
Fetching package metadata ...............
Solving package specifications: .
Package plan for installation in environment /home/wwk/anaconda3:
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
  neo4j-python-driver: 1.1.0rc1-py36_0    conda-forge                      
  py2neo:       4.0.0b2-py36_0    conda-forge                      
The following packages will be UPDATED:
  conda:        4.3.30-py36h5d9f9f4_0 --> 4.5.11-py36_0 conda-forge
  conda-env:      2.6.0-0 --> 2.6.0-1    conda-forge
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
conda-env-2.6. 100% |#####################################################################| Time: 0:00:00  1.34 MB/s
neo4j-python-d 100% |#####################################################################| Time: 0:00:00 72.70 kB/s
py2neo-4.0.0b2 100% |#####################################################################| Time: 0:00:00 176.24 kB/s
conda-4.5.11-p 100% |#####################################################################| Time: 0:00:02 230.86 kB/s

Finally, don't forget to open the python environment import package and try whether it is successful.

The above operations are to completely arrange your operating environment in a networked environment. So congratulations, you're 99% done

Step 3: Compress and package the installed anconda3. anconda3. zip and copy it to the server you want to install, which is not connected to the network. I put the/home/wwk/anaconda3


unizp -d /home/wwk/anaconda3

vim .bashrc
# added by Anaconda3 installer
export PATH="/home/wwk/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

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