Python USES wget to implement an example of a network file download function

  • 2020-11-03 22:30:36
  • OfStack

This article illustrates how Python USES wget to download network files. To share for your reference, the details are as follows:

wget is a free tool for automatically downloading files from the Internet. It supports the HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols and can use HTTP proxies.

ubuntu installation wget

pip install wget

Download files from the network or local hard drive (and unzip)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import wget, tarfile
import os
#  The network address 
#  Local hard disk file 
# DATA_URL = '/home/xxx/book/data.tar.gz'
out_fname = 'abc.tar.gz', out=out_fname)
#  Extract package 
tar =
#  Delete downloaded files 

Common parameters of wget:

- Continuation of c break point

Maximum number of connection attempts (--tries=NUMBER)

-T SECONDS response timeout seconds (--timeout=SECONDS)

Save the file in the directory (-- ES40en-ES41en =PREFIX)

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I hope this article has been helpful in Python programming.

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