Use Python to get and process IP's type and formatting methods

  • 2021-01-19 22:17:59
  • OfStack

The decision between a public network and a private network is a simple one, as long as you remember the three segments of a private network. However, for people with short memories or machines with poor learning, a method of judgment may be necessary.

Write the following script:

 from IPy import IP

 ip1 = IP('')

 ip2 = IP('')

 print("ip1 type: %s" % ip1.iptype())
 print("ip2 type: %s" % ip2.iptype())

 print("ip2 int value: %d" %
 print("ip2 hex value: %s" % ip2.strHex())
 print("ip2 bin value: %s" % ip2.strBin())

 print("IP for 0x1234567: %s" % IP(0x1234567))

The running results are as follows:

ip1 type: PRIVATE

ip2 type: PUBLIC

ip2 int value: 185339150

ip2 hex value: 0xb0c0d0e

ip2 bin value: 00001011000011000000110100001110

IP for 0x1234567:

As can be seen from the above results:

1, ES11en1 private address;

2, ip2 is the public network address;

3. Different types of IP can be converted freely;

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