Thoughts and Methods of Formatting Output Documents in Python Database

  • 2021-09-20 21:11:41
  • OfStack


If the copy format is Uniform 1, can doc/md documents be output through Python formatting?

Can be done with code, try not to manually

Train of thought

First of all, the data has been entered into the database, and python is required to read the database. mysql-connector can be used

Secondly, formatting the output document definitely requires file reading and writing operations, and needs to use os

Then, considering that most platforms support markdown format, md format documents are preferentially output. If doc is output, docx is required

Supplementary, python1 key execution, paging data operation, receiving external parameters, sys is required


Paging to get database content

import mysql.connector

#  In the database page Page data 
def fetch_data_from_db(page):
 cmd = 'select * from xxx order by id limit ' + str(page * 50) + ', ' + str(50)
 conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='xxx', password='xxx', database='xxx')
 cursor = conn.cursor()
 values = cursor.fetchall()
 return values 

Format output md document, add table style in md

import mysql.connector

#  In the database page Page data 
def fetch_data_from_db(page):
 cmd = 'select * from xxx order by id limit ' + str(page * 50) + ', ' + str(50)
 conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='xxx', password='xxx', database='xxx')
 cursor = conn.cursor()
 values = cursor.fetchall()
 return values 

Output doc document in format

from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Cm

def export_format_md(page, books):
 fileName = ' Shan Zhai Bookstore No.1 ' + str(page) + ' Period .docx'
 document = Document()
 table = document.add_table(rows = 51, cols = 3) #  Set the number of rows and columns 
 table.cell(0, 0).text = " Index "
 table.cell(0, 1).text = " Author "
 table.cell(0, 2).text = " Book title "
 for index, book in enumerate(books):
  table.cell(index+1, 0).text = "{0:05d}".format(book[0])
  table.cell(index+1, 1).text = book[2]
  table.cell(index+1, 2).text = book[1]

External parameter acquisition

if __name__ == '__main__':
 args = sys.argv
 if len(args) == 2:
  #  Get paging 
  page = args[1] 
  books = fetch_data_from_db(page)
  export_format_md(page, books)

1 key execution

python3 0


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