Encapsulation of vue+iview Paging Component

  • 2021-09-20 19:33:35
  • OfStack

vue+iview Paging Component Encapsulation

1. Create the pagination folder in components, then create the src, index. js, index. less files

2. index. less file

// Styles that need to be modified 
.ivu-page-options {
 margin-left: 10px;

 .ivu-page-options-sizer {
  margin-right: 0;

3. index. js file

import "./index.less";
import component from "./src/main";

/* istanbul ignore next */
component.install = function (Vue) {
 Vue.component(component.name, component);

export default component;

4. main. vue in the src folder

 <!--  Paging component  -->

export default {
 props: {
 loading: {
  type: Boolean,
  default: false
 total: {
  //  Total data 
  type: [String, Number],
  default: 0
 page: {
  //  Current paging 
  type: [String, Number],
  default: 1
 rows: {
  //  How many articles are displayed per page 
  type: [String, Number],
  default: 10
 disabled: {
  type: Boolean,
  default: false
 sizer: {
  //  Whether to display drop-down components 
  type: Boolean,
  default: false
 elevator: {
  //  Whether to display jump input box 
  type: Boolean,
  default: false
 watch: {
 page (to) {
  this.params.page = to;

 rows (to) {
  this.params.rows = to;
 data () {
 return {
  sizeOpts: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100],
  params: {
  page: 1,
  rows: 10
 methods: {
 //  Paging change 
 currentChange (current) {
  this.params.page = current;
 //  Change in the number of pieces displayed per page 
 pageChange (rows) {
  this.params.page = 1;
  this.params.rows = rows;

 onChange () {
  this.$emit("on-change", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.params)));

 reset () {
  this.params = {
  page: 1,
  rows: 10
  //  Restore current page number 
  // this.$refs.page.currentPage = 1;

5. Create index. js in components for global import

import GlobalPage from "@/components/pagination/index.js";
export default (Vue) => {
 Vue.component("GlobalPage ", GlobalPage );

6 then introduced in the global main. js, which can be used globally

import components from "@/components/index.js";

7. Use of components

export default {
 return {
  total: 0, //  Total data 
  queryForm : {} , 
  formData :  {
   page: 1,
   rows: 10,
 methods: {
  //  Paging switch 
 pageChange (params) {
  this.queryForm.page = params.page
  this.queryForm.rows = params.rows
  // Method of querying data 


For the vue. js component tutorial, please click on the topic vue. js component learning tutorial to learn.

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