vue+iview Using Tree Control

  • 2021-09-11 19:33:09
  • OfStack

vue+iview Use Tree Controls

1. Development Environment vue+iview

2. Computer System windows10 Professional Edition

3. In the process of using vue + iview development, we often use iview tree control, here I simply do a share, I hope to help you!

4. Add the following code to template:

<Scroll style="width: 100%" height="760">

5. Add the following code to return:

treedata: [
     title: "parent 1",
     chenshow: false,
     expand: true,
     children: [
       title: "parent 1-1",
       chenshow: false,
       expand: true,
       children: [
         title: "leaf 1-1-1",
         chenshow: true,
         title: "leaf 1-1-2",
         chenshow: true,
         selected: true,
       title: "parent 1-2",
       chenshow: false,
       expand: true,
       children: [
         title: "leaf 1-2-1",
         chenshow: true,
         title: "leaf 1-2-1",
         chenshow: true,
       title: "parent 1-3",
       chenshow: false,
       expand: true,
       children: [
         title: "leaf 1-3-1",
         chenshow: true,
         title: "leaf 1-3-1",
         chenshow: true,
       title: "parent 1-4",
       chenshow: false,
       expand: true,
       children: [
         title: "leaf 1-4-1",
         chenshow: true,
         title: "leaf 1-4-1",
         chenshow: true,
       title: "parent 1-5",
       chenshow: false,
       expand: true,
       children: [
         title: "leaf 1-5-1",
         chenshow: true,
         title: "leaf 1-5-1",
         chenshow: true,
       title: "parent 1-6",
       chenshow: false,
       expand: true,
       children: [
         title: "leaf 1-6-1",
         chenshow: true,
         title: "leaf 1-6-1",
         chenshow: true,
       title: "parent 1-7",
       chenshow: false,
       expand: true,
       children: [
         title: "leaf 1-7-1",
         chenshow: true,
         title: "leaf 1-7-1",
         chenshow: true,
       title: "parent 1-8",
       chenshow: false,
       expand: true,
       children: [
         title: "leaf 1-8-1",
         chenshow: true,
         title: "leaf 1-8-1",
         chenshow: true,
       title: "parent 1-9",
       chenshow: false,
       expand: true,
       children: [
         title: "leaf 1-9-1",
         chenshow: true,
         title: "leaf 1-9-1",
         chenshow: true,

5-1. Note the data bound in this return. Please refer to the official document of iview at the following address:

6. Add the following code to methods:

chentreelick(data) {
   console.log(" Clicked ");
  // Attention : Parameter  data, You can get the background data when you click , This data comes from the background , In actual development , We can   Utilization  data, Put what the background needs id Pass to   Backstage 

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