Answer your question.NET

  • 2020-05-17 05:11:39
  • OfStack

1. What is NET?
Net.NET Framework is a development and operating environment,
This strategy is a new idea from Microsoft,
It will enable "the Internet industry to enter a more advanced stage",
NET is not a programming language.
.NET development supports C#, VB.NET, J#, Jsript, Managed C++, etc.
C# is a major development language supported by the NET Framework framework,
Can be used to develop ASP.NET websites, Windows applications, console applications, and even mobile software,

2. What is the relationship between ASP.NET,.NET and C#?
.NET is divided into two aspects:
ASP.NET is the development of WebForm, also known as B/S.
And WinForm is part of the C/S pattern.
.NET is made up of many languages, such as C#, VB.NET, J#, Jsript, Managed C++
But they all run under.NET FrameWork Run Time.
Asp.NET can be developed using C# or VB.NET.
CLR is compiled to run through the server's IIS+.NET FrameWork is compiled again.
C# is the development language.
Anyway, ASP.NET is the dynamic web programming technology in the NET Framework environment,
.NET Framework is the basic framework for.NET,
Visual Studio.NET is an integrated environment for developing software (IDE).

3. What language is NET developed in?
NET claims to support more than 20 languages on the market, but currently
Only C #, VB.NET, J #, Jsript and Managed C + + are officially released by Microsoft

4. Why are most developers using the C# language.NET?
C # is a programming language designed by Microsoft,
C#(pronounced 'Csharp'). It is based on C/C++ and is object-oriented.
There is no pointer, there is a garbage collection mechanism, will automatically free up memory space.
You don't have to have a foundation in C to learn C#, however, if you've learned C,
It will get twice the result with half the effort, because there are many grammatical similarities between them.
The basic types supported by C# are very similar to C++, including int, long,
float, double, char, string, arrays, structs and classes, etc.

5. Installation of ASP.NET environment
(1), actually now 1 like the computer can be installed, as for the operating system at present
.NET supports platforms such as Windows, and support for Linux and Unix is under development.
Microsoft Windows 2000\windows xp sp3\windows 2003
(2) download the running environment. Since it is backward compatible, you can download the latest Framework framework
.NET Framwork 2.0 official download address:
.NET Framework 3.5 download address:
.NET Framework 4.0 download address:

(3) installation process
The first choice is to install MDAC, then install SDK. The installation time of SDK is relatively long, so please wait patiently.
(4) trial operation
Once the installation is complete, try running a simple small program written by ASP.NET to determine if the installation was successful.

6. What can DLL do in the Bin folder?
(1) it is generated automatically and does not need to be added by itself.
(2) effects: the bin folder contains all the referenced class libraries used in the project, supporting servers and other contents
The full name of DLL is Dynamic Link Library, which in Chinese is called "dynamic link file".

7. What are the main advantages of NET?
The main benefits of NET are cross-language, cross-platform, security, and support for open Internet standards and protocols.
.NET supports multi-language interoperability, that is, components developed in one language,
Can be reused under another 1 component through object-oriented inheritance.
.NET by first compiling languages into intermediate languages (IL),
Then, the real-time (Just In Time) compiler is used to compile the local platform code to achieve the interoperation of objects on heterogeneous platforms.
.NET implements the security of resource objects and types through the common language runtime CLR(Common Language Runtime).
.NET provides access to remote services in a heterogeneous network environment by supporting HTTP,XML and other Internet standards.
Connect remote devices and interact with the programming interface of remote applications

8. What is the difference between NET and ASP?
The biggest difference between ASP and NET is the conversion of programming thinking and the enhancement of functionality.
ASP USES a mix of weakly typed, structure-oriented scripting languages like VB/JS to program html,
Rather than being object-oriented, this obviously raises the following questions:
1. The logic of the code is chaotic and difficult to manage.
2. Poor reusability of the code: due to the structure-oriented programming method and the mixing of html,
So maybe the page prototype changes 1 point, the whole program needs to change, the code reuse is poor.
3. Weak types cause potential errors.
These are the weaknesses of the ASP language itself, but there are also problems with the functionality of ASP:
The first is that the functionality is so weak that some low-level operations can only be done by components
2. Lack of perfect error correction/debugging function
ASP.NET can theoretically use any programming language including C#,VB.NET, JS, J#, Managed C++, etc.
The most appropriate programming language is MS.NET Frmaework C#
The advantages are as follows:
(1) is an object-oriented programming language, easy to learn.
(2) it has the one-cut features of object-oriented programming language, such as encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and so on.
Encapsulation makes the code logic clear and applies to ASP.NET to separate the business logic from the Html pages.
Inheritance and polymorphism make code much more reusable
(3)C# also provides a complete debugging/error correction system.

9. Database type selection for projects
Current popular databases are: Sql server, MySql, Oracle, DB2.
Most of VS projects choose the following four:
Sql2000 is simple and practical, which can be opened quickly by the command line.
Sql2005 full function, but the installation trouble, the volume is large, just opened the database when it is slow, after the startup is much faster;
Sql2008 new database, function is more powerful than the former two, it is recommended to use Sql2005 users upgrade to Sql2008;
ACCESS is small in size, easy to deploy (no startup services, etc.) and easy to use.

10, ASP. What are some commonly used controls in NET?
The control used to display text. The Label control cannot receive mouse or keyboard input.
The TextBox control to display and update task data, user input content.
The Button button control triggers the Click event when a user clicks or clicks a button
The ListBox and ComboBox controls look different but function very similar, allowing the user to make choices and not to enter text.

11. What are the net development tools?
Now the mainstream is Visual Studio 2005/2008, but many small businesses still stubbornly use vs2003,
But recently vs2010 has also been launched.
VS is available in several versions: standard, professional, Tools for Office and Team System.
And C# builder is only for large enterprises,
Supports some enterprise features that Microsoft's vs. net does not support.
There's also a free development tool called web matrix, which is so weak that it's almost non-existent,
The kind of page that is suitable for developing pages without separating the code can improve the level of writing code independently.
However, it comes with class library browser, as well as a database-developed control.
Beginner VS.NET will be easy to learn.
Of course, there is a master only use notepad cough up!

12. Why is the first run of NET slow? The aspx page is compiled at run time on the first visit.
When you run it again, the speed will be normal due to the caching mechanism.

13. The naming specification for C#
There are mainly two kinds of Pascal and Camel
Pascal: the first letter of a word, as in ProductType;
Camel: lowercase for the first word, uppercase for the rest of the words, e.g. productType)
Here are some common C# members and their recommended naming methods:
Class class: Pascal
Remember, they are named after Pascal, and do not include Enum
Delegate delegate: Pascal is named after Pascal and is not distinguished from class or function names by any special string
Note: always start with the prefix "I" followed by the name Pascal
Method function: Pascal
The namespace namespace: Pascal for example: usingExcelQuicker.Framework
Properties: Pascal
Parameter: Camel lowercase
Constant const: Camel all uppercase
Local variables: Camel declares variables that begin with str
Data member: Camel begins with m +Pascal naming rules, such as mProductType (m means member)

14, how to determine whether a program is open source or an active file?
There are corresponding.CS or VB files
There are project files and solution files
All dll files or referenced components in the BIN file have the corresponding source code

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