A brief answer to Access under the paging asp.net code

  • 2020-05-09 18:23:16
  • OfStack

public void listArticle() 
CmsArticle arObj = new CmsArticle(); 
DataSet ds = arObj.listArticle(); 
if (ds != null) 
PagedDataSource pds = new PagedDataSource(); 
pds.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; 
pds.AllowPaging = true; 
pds.PageSize = 1; 
pds.CurrentPageIndex = currentpage - 1; 

rsCount = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; 
pageCount = pds.PageCount; 
pagesize = pds.PageSize; 

gvNewList.DataSource = pds; 

/// Page up and down  
double result; 
result = rsCount / pagesize; 
string[] r = new string[2]; 
r = result.ToString().Split('.'); 
pageCount = Convert.ToInt32(r[0]); 

if (result > pageCount) 
pageCount = pageCount + 1; 

/// on 1 Pages and homepage  
if (!pds.IsFirstPage) 
lnkPrev.NavigateUrl = "?page=" + Convert.ToString(currentpage - 1); 
//lnkHead.NavigateUrl ="?Page=" + Convert.ToString(1); 

/// Under the 1 At the end of the page and page  
if (!pds.IsLastPage) 
lnkNext.NavigateUrl = "?page=" + Convert.ToString(currentpage + 1); 
//lnkEnd.NavigateUrl = "?Page=" + Convert.ToString(rsCount); 

listInfoLabel.Text = " All in all " + rsCount + " Paper, each page " + pagesize + " Chapter, current no " + currentpage + "/" + pageCount + " page "; 
pageInfoLiteral.Text = WebApp.Pagination.Show(currentpage, pageCount, 10, "?page=", ""); 

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