Summary of steps for ubuntu to configure tftp services

  • 2021-06-28 14:48:14
  • OfStack

If tftp exists under/etc/xinetd.d/do the following

Shut down xinetd service

$sudo service xinetdstop

Delete tftp file

$sudo rm /etc/xinetd.d/tftp

Start the xinetd service

$sudo service xinetdstart

Install tftp client and server

$sudo apt-getinstall tftp-hpa
$sudo apt-getinstall tftpd-hpa

Modify the tftpd-hpa configuration file

$vim /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
 modify   " /var/lib/tftpboot "   by   " /tftpboot " 
 modify  "--secure"  by  "--secure -c"  Allow uploading of new files 

Create the directory if/tftpboot does not exist

$sudo mkdir /tftpboot
$sudo chmod 777 /tftpboot

Restart the tftpd-hpa service

$sudo service tftpd-hpa restart

If the service restarts successfully, you can see the corresponding process

$ps -ef |grepin.tftpd


Execute commands at the terminal:

tftp  Other party ip address 
 Download file: get  file name 
 Upload file: put  file name 
 Sign out: quit

Now that the tftp service has been installed, you can test it below. (Suppose you have a test file, test.txt, in the current directory

tftp> put test.txt
Sent 1018 bytes in 0.0seconds
tftp> get test.txt
Received1018 bytes in 0.1 seconds
tftp> quit

With the get command, you can upload the test.txt file in the current directory to its service file directory through tftp.At this point, the test.txt file appears below/tftpboot.With the put command, you can download the test.txt file from / tftpboot.This verifies the correctness of the tftp service configuration.When the file is uploaded and downloaded, you can exit with the quit command.

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