Sharing Shortcut Keys for IDEA Auto out of Parentheses

  • 2021-08-31 08:00:14
  • OfStack

IDEA automatically jumps out of parentheses and completes semicolons (similar to eclipse)

Jump out of the brackets

ctrl shift enter

Called Complete Current Statement

If it is not closed at the back, it will automatically close it for you and jump down 1 line

If it is closed, it will skip 1 line

There is also a one who jumps directly without wiping his ass

shift enter

No matter where the cursor is now, open a new line directly

Out of double quotes: shift + "

Out of single quotes: '

Out of brackets: shift +)

Out of brackets:]

And so on.

Receive variable of the value returned by the completion method

alt enter: Receive variable of the value returned by the completion method

Such as:

s. indexOf (1); //Press alt+enter at this time

Display: int i = s. indexOf (1); Automatically complete int i =

Add: How does IDEA switch out of parentheses

1 After entering the parentheses, we will habitually switch Enter or Shift + Enter outside the parentheses, but the result becomes:

public void nothing()

Enter →

public void nothing(

? ? ?

The way to switch out of parentheses is Shift + right parentheses

( ) = Shift + 0

{ } = Shift + ]

< > = Shift + .

[ ] = ]

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