Intellij IDEA the most comprehensive ultra practical shortcut key finishing of long term update

  • 2021-08-16 23:55:43
  • OfStack

Before the text: 1. IDEA memory optimization (the pleasure of opening in seconds! ! )

Configure according to the configuration of the machine itself:

\IntelliJ IDEA8\bin\idea.exe.vmoptions

//(Make it bigger according to your configuration! ! )



Practical shortcut keys:

Ctrl +/or Ctrl+Shift +/Notes (//or /*... */)
Ctrl+D Copy Row
Ctrl+X Delete Row

Shift + Enter Create a new row
Fast Fix alt+enter (modify/cast)
Code hint alt +/
ctr+G Locates a 1-Row
Shift+F6 Refactoring-Renaming IDEA Batch Modify Variable Name Click the variable name and press shift+F6
Ctrl+R replacement text
Ctrl+F Lookup Text

F2 at the code to quickly locate the compilation error location

Ctrl+E Recent Open Files
Ctrl+J Automatic Code

Ctrl+home/end to file head, bottom

Tissue introduction of ctr+alt+O
Formatting code ctr+alt+L
Case conversion ctr+shift+U


IntelliJ Idea Common Shortcut Key List

Alt + Enter Import Package, Auto Correction
Ctrl+N lookup class
Ctrl+Shift+N Find Files
Ctrl+Alt+L Formatting Code

Ctrl+Alt+O Optimized Imported Classes and Packages
Alt+Insert Generate code (e.g. get, set methods, constructors, and so on)
Ctrl+E or Alt+Shift+C recently changed code
Ctrl+R replacement text

Ctrl+F Lookup Text
Ctrl+Shift+Space Automatic Completion Code
Ctrl + Space Code Tips

Ctrl+Alt+Space class name or interface name hint

Ctrl+P Method Parameter Tips

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N to find a method or variable in a class

Alt+Shift+C versus recently modified code

Shift+F6 Refactoring-Rename
Ctrl+Shift + First Upper Bond
Ctrl+X Delete Row
Ctrl+D Copy Row
Ctrl +/or Ctrl+Shift +/Notes (//or /*... */)
Ctrl+J Automatic Code
Ctrl+E Recent Open Files

Ctrl+H Display Class Structure Diagram

Ctrl+Q Display Annotation Documents
Alt+F1 Lookup code location
Alt+1 Quick Open or Hide Engineering Panel

Ctrl+Alt+left/right Return to the location of the last browse
Alt+left/right Switch Code View

Alt+Up/Down Fast Moving Location Between Methods

The Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down code moves up/down.

F2 or Shift+F2 Highlight Error or Warning Quick Location

After the code label is entered, press Tab to generate the code.

Select text and press Ctrl+Shift+F7 to highlight all the text and press Esc to highlight it.

Ctrl+W Select the code and press it continuously to have other effects

Select the text and press Alt+F3 to find the same text one by one and highlight it.

Ctrl+Up/Down cursor jumps to line 1 or last

Ctrl+B Quickly opens a class or method at the cursor

Ctrl+O to see which methods the class can override


2. Query shortcut keys

CTRL+N lookup class
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N to find a method or variable in a class
CIRL+B to find the source of variables
CTRL+ALT+B Find All Subclasses
CTRL+SHIFT+B classes for finding variables
CTRL+G Position Row
CTRL+F Find text in the current window
CTRL+SHIFT+F Finding Text in Specified Window
CTRL+R Replaces text in the current window
CTRL+SHIFT+R Replaces text in specified window
ALT+SHIFT+C Find Modified Files
CTRL+E Recent Open Files
F3 Find down where a keyword appears
SHIFT+F3 UP 1 keyword occurrence position
F4 Find Variable Source
CTRL+ALT+F7 Selected Characters Find Where the Project Occurs
CTRL+SHIFT+O Pop-up Displays Find Content

3. Automatic code

ALT + Enter Import Package, Auto Correction
CTRL+ALT+L Formatting Code
CTRL+ALT+I Auto Indent
CTRL+ALT+O Optimized Imported Classes and Packages
ALT+INSERT Generate code (e.g. GET, SET methods, constructors, and so on)
CTRL+E recently changed code
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE Automatic Completion Code
CTRL + Space Code Prompt
CTRL+ALT+SPACE class name or interface name hint
CTRL+P Method Parameter Tips
CTRL+J Automatic Code
CTRL+ALT+T Place the selected code in TRY {} IF {} ELSE {}

CTRL+ALT+M Extraction Method

4. Copy shortcuts

CTRL+D Copy Row
CTRL+X Cut, Delete Rows

5. Other shortcuts

CIRL+U Case Switching
CTRL+Z Backward
CTRL+ALT+F12 Explorer Open Folder
ALT+F1 Find the directory location where the file is located
SHIFT+ALT+INSERT Vertical Editing Mode
CTRL +/Notes//
CTRL+SHIFT+/annotation/*... */
CTRL+W Select the code and press it continuously to have other effects
CTRL+B Quickly open a class or method at the cursor
ALT + →/→ toggle code view
CTRL + ALT →/→ Return to the last edited position
ALT + ↑/↓ Fast mobile positioning between methods
SHIFT+F6 Refactoring-Rename
CTRL+H Display Class Structure Diagram
CTRL+Q Display comment document
ALT+1 Quick Open or Hide Engineering Panel
The CTRL+SHIFT+UP/DOWN code moves up/down.
CTRL+UP/DOWN cursor jumps to line 1 or last
ESC cursor returns to edit box
The SHIFT+ESC cursor returns to the edit box and closes useless windows
F1 help don't press, very card!
Bookmark Help L (manipulate numbers on non-numeric keypad! ! ! ! ! ! ! )

Ctrl+Shift+1-9 Bookmark positioning behavior 1-9 or letters,

Ctrl + 1-9 automatically jumps to bookmark position of locked bit

Ctrl + F9 recompile, delete cache. Update in real time

Ctrl+Shift+U Case Switching

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