The C language implements the phonebook project

  • 2020-06-23 01:14:00
  • OfStack

The example of this paper shares the specific code of C language phonebook project for your reference. The specific content is as follows

Implementation approach

The program of the overall thinking and implementation is very simple, we use the way of dynamically allocated memory first create the phonebook contact type, then create a phone book class, its practical and global array composed of contact type, and then respectively, interface function, add and delete printing, etc, in the main function is to realize the overall train of thought, allow the user to select specific function calls using while a loop in a way that the overall implementation.

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2019.3.12 update:
Using file manipulation enables the system to save data.

The implementation code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct AddressInfo
 char name[1024];
 char phone[1024];
typedef struct AddressBook
 AddressInfo* infos;
 int size;
 int capacity;// capacity 
AddressBook g_addr_book;
// Initialize the 
void Init(AddressBook* addr_book)
 assert(addr_book != NULL);
 addr_book->size = 0;
 addr_book->capacity = 10;
 addr_book->infos = (AddressInfo*)malloc(sizeof(AddressInfo) * addr_book->capacity);
// The menu 
int Menu()
 printf("1 And the new \n");
 printf("2 , delete, \n");
 printf("3 , modify, \n");
 printf("4 , find \n");
 printf("5 , sorting, \n");
 printf("6 , display all \n");
 printf("7 , delete all \n");
 printf("0 , exit \n");
 int choice;
 scanf("%d", &choice);
 return choice;
// capacity 
void Realloc(AddressBook* addr_book)
 assert(addr_book != NULL);
 //1 And expand the capacity The value of 
 addr_book->capacity *= 2;
 //2 To apply for, 1 A bigger memory 
 AddressInfo* old_infos = addr_book->infos;
 addr_book->infos = (AddressInfo*)malloc(sizeof(AddressInfo) * addr_book->capacity);
 //3 And copy the data in the original memory 
 for(int i = 0; i < addr_book->size; i++)
  addr_book->infos[i] = old_infos[i];
 //4 , to free the original memory 
 // We customize the size of each expansion here 
 printf(" Successful expansion! \n");
// new 
void AddAddressBook(AddressBook* addr_book)
 assert(addr_book != NULL);
 if(addr_book->size >= addr_book->capacity)
  printf(" The space is full for expansion! \n");
  Realloc(addr_book);// capacity 
 printf(" Please enter contact information! \n");
 AddressInfo* p = &addr_book->infos[addr_book->size];
 printf(" Please enter the contact name: ");
 scanf("%s", p->name);
 printf(" Please enter the contact number: ");
 scanf("%s", p->phone);
 printf(" Added successfully! \n");
// delete 
void DelAddressBook(AddressBook* addr_book)
 assert(addr_book != NULL);
 int id;
 printf(" Please enter the contact number to delete: ");
 scanf("%d", &id);
 if(id < 0 || id >= addr_book->size)
  printf(" Input need error! \n");
 printf(" The serial number of deletion is [%d] , please enter to confirm deletion Y:", id);
 char sure[1024] = {0};
 scanf("%s", sure);
 if(strcmp(sure, "Y") != 0)
  printf(" Delete abort! \n");
 AddressInfo* from = &addr_book->infos[addr_book->size - 1];
 AddressInfo* to = &addr_book->infos[0];
 *to = *from;
// Modify the 
void ModifyAddressBook(AddressBook* addr_book)
 assert(addr_book != NULL);
 printf(" Modify contacts! \n");
 printf(" Please enter the contact serial number that needs to be modified: ");
 int id = 0;
 scanf("%d", &id);
 if(id < 0 || id >= addr_book->size)
  printf(" Error entering serial number! \n");
 AddressInfo* p = &addr_book->infos[id];
 char input[1024] = {0};
 printf(" Please enter the name you want to change: ");
 scanf("%s", input);
 if(strcmp(input, "#") != 0)
  strcpy(p->name, input);
 printf(" Please enter the number you want to modify: ");
 scanf("%s", input);
 if(strcmp(input, "#") != 0)
  strcpy(p->phone, input);
 printf(" Modified successfully! \n");
// To find the 
void FindAddressBook(AddressBook* addr_book)
 assert(addr_book != NULL);
 printf(" Start the search! \n");
 printf(" Please enter the name you are looking for: ");
 char name[1024] = {0};
 scanf("%s", name);
 int count = 0;
 for(int i = 0; i < addr_book->size; i++)
  AddressInfo* p = &addr_book->infos[i];
  if(strcmp(name, p->name) == 0)
   printf("[%d] %s\t %s", i, p->name, p->phone);
// The sorting 
void SortAddressBook(AddressBook* addr_book)
 assert(addr_book != NULL);
 for(int i = 0; i < addr_book->size - 1; i++)// Bubble sort 
  for(int j = 0; j < addr_book->size - i - 1; j++)
   if(strcmp(addr_book->infos[j].name, addr_book->infos[j + 1].name) > 0)
    AddressInfo temp = addr_book->infos[j];
    addr_book->infos[j] = addr_book->infos[j + 1];
    addr_book->infos[j + 1] = temp;
 printf(" Sorting done! \n");
// Print all 
void PrintAllAddressBook(AddressBook* addr_book)
 assert(addr_book != NULL);
 printf(" Show all contacts! \n");
 for(int i = 0; i < addr_book->size; i++)
  AddressInfo* p = &addr_book->infos[i];
  printf("[%d] %s\t%s\n", i, p->name, p->phone);
 printf(" A total of shows %d The data! \n", addr_book->size);
// Remove all 
void ClearAllAddressBook(AddressBook* addr_book)
 assert(addr_book != NULL);
 printf(" Are you sure you want to clear all the information? Please enter Y : ");
 char sure[1024] = {0};
 scanf("%s", sure);
 if(strcmp(sure, "Y") != 0)
  printf(" Clear is cancelled! \n");
 addr_book->size = 0;
// File to read 
size_t Read(AddressBook* addr_book)
 FILE* fp = fopen("./AddrBookData.txt", "r");
 if(fp == NULL)
  fp = fopen("./AddrBookData.txt", "w+");
 size_t n = 0;
 char* buf[1024] = { 0 };
 while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL)
  if(addr_book->size >= addr_book->capacity)
   Realloc(addr_book);// capacity 
  AddressInfo* p = &addr_book->infos[addr_book->size];
  sscanf(buf, "%s %s", p->name, p->phone);
 n = addr_book->size;
 printf(" Read the %lu The data! \n", n);
 return n;
// File storage 
size_t Save(AddressBook* addr_book)
 FILE* fp = fopen("./AddrBookData.txt", "w");
 size_t n = 0;
 for(int i = 0; i < addr_book->size; i++)
  fprintf(fp, "%s %s\n", addr_book->infos[i].name, addr_book->infos[i].phone);
 printf(" Store the %lu The data! \n", n);
 return n;
int main()
 typedef void (*ptr_func)(AddressBook*);
 ptr_func table[] = {
  int choice = Menu();
  if(choice == 0)
   printf(" Use finished, exit! \n");
   return 0;
  table[choice - 1](&g_addr_book);

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