The c language implements a simple and easy language

  • 2020-06-12 10:02:22
  • OfStack

The familiar easy language base is the c language. The 32 key words of c plus 1 other common words are used to achieve simple Chinese substitution by using the macro definition #define

1. Now open VisualStudio and create a new.h file in the header file directory to start the macro definition to encapsulate our easy language

//auto  Local variables (automatic storage) 
#define  automatic  auto
//break Unconditionally exit the innermost loop of the program 
#define  interrupt  break 
//case  switch Select an item in the statement 
#define  situation  case
//char Single - byte integer data 
#define  character  char
//const Defines an immutable constant value 
#define  constant  const
//continue Break the loop and turn downward 1 loops 
#define  Continue to  continue
//default switch The default selection in the statement 
#define  The default  default
//do  Used to form do.....while Looping statements 
#define  perform  do
//double Defines double precision floating point data 
#define  double  double
//else Constitute a if.....else Select program structure 
#define  Otherwise,  else
//enum The enumeration 
#define  The enumeration  enum
//extern Global variables are explained in other program modules 
#define  External variables  extern
//float Defines single-precision floating point data 
#define  Single precision  float
//for Constitute a for Looping statements 
#define  cycle  for
//goto Constitute a goto Transfer structure 
#define  jump  goto
//if Constitute a if....else Choose structure 
#define  if  if
//int Basic integer data 
#define  The integer  int
//long Long integer data 
#define  Long integer  long
//registerCPU Internally stored variables 
#define  Register variables  register
//return The return value used to return a function 
#define  return  return
//short Short integer data 
#define  Short integer  short
//signed A signed number 
#define  A signed  signed
//sizoef Evaluates the number of bytes held by an expression or data type 
#define  For the size  sizeof
//static Defining static variables 
#define  static  static
//struct Define structure type data 
#define  The structure of the body  struct
//switch Constitute a switch Choose structure 
#define  choose  switch
//typedef Redefine the data type 
#define  To redefine the  typedef
//union Federated type data 
#define  A consortium  union
//unsigned Defines unsigned data 
#define  unsigned  unsigned
//void Define untyped data 
#define  empty  void
//volatile This variable can be implicitly changed during program execution 
#define  Hidden variables  volatile
//while Used to form do...while or while Loop structure 
#define  when  while
#define  The main function  main
void notepad(){
#define  notepad  notepad()
void calc(){
#define  The calculator  calc();
void tasklist(){
#define  Process management  tasklist();
#define  Waiting for the  getchar();
void ipconfig(){
#define IP The viewer  ipconfig();
void hello(){
	printf("%s", "hello word");
#define  Hello world  hello();

2. Create a new.ES11en file under the source file directory, introduce our identifier file, and you can use our Chinese programming

Here "" and < > The difference is that one header file is introduced into the system and one is our own header file

 empty   The main function (){
	// The calculator 
	 Process management 
	IP The viewer 
	 Hello world 
	 Waiting for the 

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