C language implements a simple flight management system

  • 2020-06-23 01:25:11
  • OfStack

This paper shares the specific code of C language flight management system for your reference. The specific content is as follows

/*C Language implementation of a simple flight management system (single file) */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PERSON_MAXNUM 100
#define MAX_SIZE 10
int _size = 0;
int _person_size = 0;
int _personnoticket_size = 0;

// Define the flight information structure 
typedef struct plane
  char ID[10];
  char Start_Place[10];
  char End_Place[10];
  float price;
  int Buy_num;
  int Max_num;
  char time[20];

// Define the passenger information structure 
typedef struct Person
  int AirPlane_Num;
  char person_name[20];


void home(Plane* p,Person* person, Person* person_noticket);// The initial page 
void InitAirPlane(Plane** p);// Initializes flight information memory 
void InputAirPlane(Plane* p);// Enter flight information 
void CheckAirPlane(Plane* p);// View flight information 
void DelAirPlane(Plane* p);// Delete flight information 
void CheckAirPlaneOrder(Plane* p,Person* person);// View flight orders 
void PrintPerson(Plane* p, Person* person, int i);// Print flight passenger 

void InitPerson(Person** person);// Initializes passenger information memory 
void BookAirPlane(Plane* p, Person* person,Person* person_noticket);// Book a flight 
int CheckPerson(Plane* p, Person* person);// View passenger order information 
void ChangeAirPlane(Plane* p, Person* person);// endorse 
void ReturnTicket(Plane* p, Person* person);// refund 

void PrintPerson(Plane* p, Person* person, int i);
void CheckPersonNoTicket(Plane* p, Person* person_noticket);// Check the waiting list 

void home(Plane* p, Person* person, Person* person_noticket)
  int a, i, j;
  printf("\n***************************** Welcome to the airline ticketing system *****************************\n");
  printf("\n************* Hello, now I want to confirm your identity! Please press the ticket agent  1  Please press  0 ***********\n");
  printf(" Please select: ");
  scanf("%d", &a);
  // Flight management personnel operate 
  if (a == 1)
      printf("\n****************** 1. Enter flight information  *******************\n");
      printf("\n****************** 2. Delete flight information  *******************\n");
      printf("\n****************** 3. Browse flight information  *******************\n");
      printf("\n****************** 4. Browse current booking information  *************\n");
      printf("\n****************** 5. Check the waiting list  *******************\n");
      printf("\n****************** 0. exit     ********************\n");
      printf(" Please select: ");
      scanf("%d", &i);
      switch (i)
        case 0: break;
        case 1:InputAirPlane(p);break;
        case 2:DelAirPlane(p);break;
        case 3:CheckAirPlane(p);break;
        case 4:CheckAirPlaneOrder(p, person); break;
        case 5:CheckPersonNoTicket(p, person_noticket); break;
          printf(" Typo! \n");
    } while (i != 0);
  // Passenger operation 
  if (a == 0)

      printf("\n*********************** 1. booking  **********************\n");
      printf("\n*********************** 2. endorse  **********************\n");
      printf("\n*********************** 3. refund  **********************\n");
      printf("\n*********************** 4. Browse flight information  **************\n");
      printf("\n*********************** 5. Query personal booking information  **********\n");
      printf("\n*********************** 0. exit  **********************\n");
      printf(" Please select: ");
      scanf("%d", &j);
      switch (j)
        case 0:break;
        case 1:BookAirPlane(p, person,person_noticket);break;
        case 2:ChangeAirPlane(p, person);break;
        case 3:ReturnTicket(p, person);break;
        case 4:CheckAirPlane(p);break;
        case 5:CheckPerson(p, person); break;
    } while (j != 0);

// Initialize the 
void InitAirPlane(Plane** p)

  // To apply for space 
  *p = (Plane*)malloc(sizeof(Plane)*MAX_SIZE);
  if (NULL == *p)
    printf(" Opening up space failed! \n");
  (*p)->Buy_num = 0;
// Enter flight information 
void InputAirPlane(Plane* p)
  if (_size <= MAX_SIZE)
    printf(" Flight Number: %d\n", _size);
    printf(" Enter the flight ID:");
    scanf("%s", (p+_size)->ID);
    printf(" Input origin: ");
    scanf("%s", (p + _size)->Start_Place);
    printf(" Input Destination: ");
    scanf("%s", (p + _size)->End_Place);
    printf(" Enter flight departure time: ");
    scanf("%s", (p + _size)->time);
    printf(" Input price: ");
    scanf("%f", &(p + _size)->price);
    printf(" Enter the maximum number of passengers allowed on the flight: ");
    scanf("%d", &(p + _size)->Max_num);
      printf(" Current number of tickets sold: ");
      scanf("%d", &(p + _size)->Buy_num);
      if ((p + _size)->Buy_num > (p + _size)->Max_num)
        printf(" Error entering the number of tickets sold! \n");
        printf(" Please re-enter! \n\n");
    } while ((p + _size)->Buy_num > (p + _size)->Max_num);
    printf(" Add flight information finished! \n\n");
    printf(" Memory is full! \n");

// Browse flight information 
void CheckAirPlane(Plane* p)
  int i = 0;
  printf(" Available flight information: \n\n");
  for (i = 0; i < _size; i++)
    printf(" Flight Number: %d\n", i);
    printf("ID:%s\n", (p+i)->ID);
    printf(" Provenance: %s\n", (p + i)->Start_Place);
    printf(" destination :%s\n", (p + i)->End_Place);
    printf(" Departure time: %s\n", (p + i)->time);
    printf(" Air ticket price: %2f\n", (p + i)->price);
    printf(" Remaining tickets: %d\n", ((p + i)->Max_num - (p + i)->Buy_num) );

// Delete flight information 
void DelAirPlane(Plane* p)
  int j = 0;
  int i = -1;
  printf(" Please enter the flight number to be deleted: ");
  scanf("%d", &i);
  for (j = i; j < _size; j++)
    strcpy((p + j)->ID, (p + j + 1)->ID);
    strcpy((p + j)->Start_Place, (p + j + 1)->Start_Place);
    strcpy((p + j)->End_Place, (p + j)->End_Place);
    strcpy((p + j)->time, (p + j + 1)->time);
    (p + j)->price = (p + j + 1)->price;
    (p + j)->Max_num = (p + j + 1)->Max_num;
    (p + j)->Buy_num = (p + j + 1)->Buy_num;

// Initialize booking information 
void InitPerson(Person** person)
  *person = (Person*)malloc(sizeof(Person)*PERSON_MAXNUM);
  if (NULL == *person)
    printf(" Opening up space failed! \n");

// booking 
void BookAirPlane(Plane* p, Person* person, Person* person_noticket)
  int i = -1;
  printf(" Please select the flight number you want to book: ");
  scanf("%d", &i);
  if ((p + i)->Max_num == (p + i)->Buy_num)
    printf(" Sorry, this flight is sold out! \n");
    printf(" Please enter your name (we will add you to the waiting list) : ");
    scanf("%s", (person_noticket+_personnoticket_size)->person_name);
    (person_noticket + _personnoticket_size)->AirPlane_Num = i;
    printf(" Add waiting list successfully! \n\n");
    if (_person_size > PERSON_MAXNUM)
      printf(" Insufficient storage capacity! \n");
    printf(" Please enter your name: ");
    scanf("%s", (person + _person_size)->person_name);
    (person + _person_size)->AirPlane_Num = i;
    (p + i)->Buy_num++;
    printf(" The reservation is successful! \n");


// View personal booking information 
int CheckPerson(Plane* p, Person* person)
  int flag = 0;
  int i = 0;
  char _name[20] = { 0 };
  printf(" Please enter your name: ");
  scanf("%s", &_name);
  printf(" Your personal booking information: \n\n");
  for (i = 0; i < _person_size; i++)
    if (0 == strcmp(_name, (person + i)->person_name))
      flag = 1;
      printf(" Order No. : %d\n", i);
      printf(" Name: %s\n", (person + i)->person_name);
      printf(" Flight Number: %d\n", (person + i)->AirPlane_Num);
      printf(" flight ID:%s\n", (p + (person + i)->AirPlane_Num)->ID);
      printf(" Provenance: %s\n", (p + (person + i)->AirPlane_Num)->Start_Place);
      printf(" Destination: %s\n", (p + (person + i)->AirPlane_Num)->End_Place);
      printf(" Is the departure time :%s\n", (p + (person + i)->AirPlane_Num)->time);
      printf(" Air ticket price: %f\n", (p + (person + i)->AirPlane_Num)->price);
  if (0 == flag)
    printf(" The passenger booking information was not found! \n");
    return 0;
  return 1;

// endorse 
void ChangeAirPlane(Plane* p, Person* person)
  int i = -1;
  int j = -1;
  if (0 == CheckPerson(p, person))
  printf(" Please enter the order number to be changed: ");
  scanf("%d", &i);
  (p + i)->Buy_num--;
    printf(" Please enter the flight number you want to change: ");
    scanf("%d", &j);
    if ((p + j)->Buy_num >= (p + j)->Max_num)
      printf(" This flight is full, please choose again! \n");
  } while ((p + j)->Buy_num >= (p + j)->Max_num);
  (person + i)->AirPlane_Num = j;
  (p + j)->Buy_num++;
  printf(" Change successfully! \n\n");

// Delete the order 
void ReturnTicket(Plane* p, Person* person)
  int i = -1;
  int j = 0;
  CheckPerson(p, person);
  printf(" Please enter the order number to delete: ");
  scanf("%d", &i);
  for (j = i; j < _person_size; j++)
    (person + j)->AirPlane_Num = (person + j + 1)->AirPlane_Num;
    strcpy((person + j)->person_name, (person + j + 1)->person_name);
  printf(" Successful refund! \n");

// View current booking information 
void CheckAirPlaneOrder(Plane* p, Person* person)
  int i = -1;
  for (i = 0; i < _size; i++)
    printf(" Flight Number: %d\n", i);
    printf("ID:%s\n", (p + i)->ID);
    printf(" Provenance: %s\n", (p + i)->Start_Place);
    printf(" destination :%s\n", (p + i)->End_Place);
    printf(" Departure time: %s\n", (p + i)->time);
    printf(" Air ticket price: %2f\n", (p + i)->price);
    printf(" Remaining tickets: %d\n", ((p + i)->Max_num - (p + i)->Buy_num));
    printf(" Ticket buyer information: "); PrintPerson(p,person, i);
void PrintPerson(Plane* p, Person* person,int i)
  int ticket_num = 0;
  int j = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < _person_size; j++)
    if ((person + j)->AirPlane_Num == i)
      printf("%s ,", (person + j)->person_name);

// Waiting list initializes 
void InitPersonNoTicket(Person** person_noticket)
  *person_noticket = (Person*)malloc(sizeof(Person)*PERSONNOTICKET_MAX);
  if (NULL == *person_noticket)
    printf(" Opening up space failed! \n");

// Check the waiting list 
void CheckPersonNoTicket(Plane* p, Person* person_noticket)
  int i = 0;
  printf(" Waiting list: \n\n");
  if (0 == _personnoticket_size)
    printf(" The waiting list is empty! \n\n");
  for (i = 0; i < _personnoticket_size; i++)
    printf(" Name: %s\n", (person_noticket + i)->person_name);
    printf(" Flight Number required: %d\n", (person_noticket + i)->AirPlane_Num);
    printf(" flight ID:%s\n", (p + ((person_noticket + i)->AirPlane_Num))->ID);
    printf(" Provenance: %s\n", ((p + ((person_noticket + i)->AirPlane_Num))->Start_Place));
    printf(" Destination: %s\n", (p + ((person_noticket + i)->AirPlane_Num))->End_Place);
// The main function 
int main()
  Plane* p=NULL;
  Person* person=NULL;
  Person* person_noticket = NULL;
  while (1)
    home(p, person, person_noticket);
  return 0;

For more information, please pay attention to the topic management System Development.

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