Exercises of Python Decorator

  • 2021-12-13 08:53:18
  • OfStack

Directory 1. Please implement a decorator, the return value of the function +100 and then return 2. Please implement a decorator, through a call to make the function repeated 5 times 3. Please implement a decorator every time the function is called, the name of the function and the time point of calling the function are written into the file

1. Please implement a decorator, and return the value of the function +100 and then return

def wapper(func):

    def innner(*args,**kwargs):



        return ret

    return innner


def func(number):

    return int(number)


### Results: 200

2. Please implement a decorator and repeat the function 5 times through 1 call

#Python Learning and communication group: 725638078

def wapper(func):

    def innner(*args,**kwargs):


        while count<5:



    return innner


def func():

    print(" Execute ")


3. Please implement a decorator. When calling a function, write the name of the function and the time point of calling the function into the file

import time

def wapper(func):

    def inner(*args,**kwargs):

        with open("log",encoding="utf-8",mode="a+") as f:


            f.write(f' Beijing Time: {time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",structime)}  The name of the function is: {func.__name__}\n')


        return ret

    return inner


def func():

    print(" Execute ")


At the end, I recommend a very good learning tutorial for you, hoping to help you learn Python!

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