7 classic basic cases about Python

  • 2021-12-12 09:00:28
  • OfStack

Directory 1. List sorting 2. Exchange dictionary key values 3. Delete duplicate elements in the list 4. Output prime number 5. Judge the day of the year 6. Guess the number 7. Binary conversion

1. Sort the list

def que6():
    # 6. Input 3 Integer x, y, z , forming 1 List, please put this n The number is output from small to large. 
    #  Program analysis: The list has sort Method, so just make them a list. 
    li = np.random.randint(-100, 100, size=10)
    #  In-situ transformation 
    li = li.tolist()
    #  Use sort() Results 
    li_sort = sorted(li, reverse = False)
    print(' Use sort Method to rearrange the results: {}'.format(li_sort))

    #  No need sort Method, write your own sorting method, 

    #  Bubble sorting 
    def bubbleSort(m):
        m = m.copy()
        for time in range(1, len(m)):
            for index in range(len(m) - time):
                if m[index] > m[index+1]:
                    m[index], m[index+1] = m[index+1] , m[index]
        return  m

    #  Select sort 
    def selectSort(m):
        m = m.copy()
        for seat_L in range(len(m)-1):
            for seat_R in range(seat_L+1, len(m)):
                if m[seat_L] > m[seat_R]:
                    m[seat_L], m[seat_R] = m[seat_R], m[seat_L]
        return m

    #  Insert sort 1 (Internally written as a function): 
    def insertSort_1(m):
        result = []

        #  Single element k Insert list li
        def to_insert(li, k):
            #  Identifier 
            tab = False

            #  Find the insertion position 
            #  The number of cycles should be at least greater than the length of the list +1 , None Also account for 1 Bits (empty list), that is, it is considered that there are still at the end of playing cards 1 An empty card '
            for i in range(len(li) + 1):
                #  Modify the identifier and flag 'After traversal, the following 1 Cycle ' That is, in and'empty cards ' Comparison 
                if i == (len(li)):
                    tab = True

                #  If you are in the right li[-1] Before the comparison is completed (included), and the position is found, that is, the poker is compared from left to right 1 Pass 
                if not tab and k < li[i]:
                    li.insert(i, k)
            #  If the traversal is complete, multiple loops 1 Second, that is, and'empty cards ' No need to compare, directly replace the cards' empty cards '
            if tab:
            return li
        #  Traverse the list 
        # result = result[:1]
        for length in range(len(m)):
            result = to_insert(result, m[length])

            # print(result,m[length])
        return result

    #  Insert sort 2( Direct nested loop ) : 
    def insertSort2(m):
        m = m.copy()
        result = m[:1]
        for index_choose in range(1, len(m)):
            #  I already have it on my hand index_choose Card, compare the first index_choose+1 A card rule append
            #  Compare your opponent's cards one by one, if they are all compared 1 If it is repeated, it will be added to the end 
            for index_insert in range(len(result) + 1):
                print(result, index_insert,'\n',m, index_choose,'\n\n')
                if index_insert != index_choose and m[index_choose] < result[index_insert] :
                    result.insert(index_insert, m[index_choose])
                if index_insert == index_choose:
            # print(result, m[index_choose])
        return result

    # print(li)
    print(' Insert sort: ',insertSort3(li))
    print(' Select sort: ',selectSort(li))
    print(' Bubble sorting: ',bubbleSort(li))

2. Switch dictionary key values

# 1.  Interchange element .\
def que1():

    #  Method 1 ---  Dynamic assignment 
    def method1(d):
        d = d.copy()
        result = {}
        for k,v in d.items():
            result[v] = k
        return result

    #  Method 2 ---  Generator 
    def method2(d):
        d = d.copy()
        result = {v:k for k,v in d.items()}
        return result

    #  Method 3 ---  Find keys by value 
    def method3(d):
        d = d.copy()
        #  Find values by keys 
        def match(dic, b):
            return [k for k,v in dic.items() if v == b]
        #  Mr. Cheng key-None, Re-assignment 
        result = {}
        result = result.fromkeys(d.values())
        for k in result.keys():
            result[k] = match(d, k)[0]
        return result

    #  Method 4 ---  List-to-dictionary  <  Direct conversion / Dynamic assignment  >
    def method4(d):
        d = d.copy()
        key = d.keys()
        val = d.values()
        data = list(zip(key, val))

        #  Method 4-1
        result1 = {}
        for i in range(len(data)):
            result1[data[i][1]] = data[i][0]

        #  Method 4-2
        result2 = dict(zip(val, key))

        return result1, result2

    print(' New list dynamic assignment method: {}'.format(method1(d)))
    print(' Generator method: {}'.format(method2(d)))
    print(' Find value by key method: {}'.format(method3(d)))
    print(' Dynamic assignment list to dictionary method: {}'.format(method4(d)[0]))
    print(' Direct list to dictionary method: {}'.format(method4(d)[1]))
# que1()

3. Remove duplicate elements from the list

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Delete repeating element list = [1, 2, 5, 4, 1, 5, 6, 8, 0, 2, 5]

a = np.random.randint(-100, 100, size=10)
a = a.tolist()

def method1(a):
    a = a.copy()
    a = set(a)
    return a
def method2(a):
    b = a.copy()
    c = 0
    for i in range(len(a)-1):
        if b[i+c] in b[:i+c]+b[i+c+1:]:
            c -= 1
    return b
print(' Set method: ',method1(a))
print(' Traversal method: ',method2(a))

4. Output prime numbers

def prime(end):

    prime_list = []
    if end <= 1:
        print(' Must be greater than 1')
        # prime_list.append(2)
        for i in range(2, end+1, 1):
            count = 0
            if i == 2:
                if i%2 != 0:
                for m in range(2, i):
                    #  If you can divide exactly, you will jump out of the loop 
                    if (i % m) == 0:
                        # print(i, m)
                    #  Otherwise count +1
                        count += 1
                    #  Judge whether the division is completed (0/n)
                    if count == i - 2:

                    print(count, i, m)

    return (prime_list)

num = int(input(' Want to output 2 To how much? '))

5. Judge the day of the year

def que3():
    # 3. Enter a certain year, month and day to judge this 1 God is this 1 What day is the year? : 
    #  Leap year judgment function 
    def judge_leap(num):
        date = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
        # (4 Year 1 Leap  and not Centennial ) or 4 Hundred-year leap 
        if (num % 4 == 0 and num % 100 != 0) or num % 400 ==0:
            date[1] =29
        return date

    #  Format conversion 
    date = (input(' Please enter 1 Date, formatted as: " 2018.02.12 ": '))
    date_list = (list(map(int, (date.split('.')))))
    #  Traversal calculation days 
    day = date_list[2]
    for i in range(date_list[1]):
        day += judge_leap(date_list[0])[i]
    print('{} Month {} Day is {} The first part of the year {} Days \n'.format(date_list[1], date_list[2], date_list[0], day))
# que3()

Step 6 Guess the numbers

#  Re-guess the numbers 
import random

def judge_num(num, num_random):
    if num > num_random:
        print('It\'s too big')
        return 1
    elif num < num_random:
        print('It\'s too small')
        return 1
        print("Congratulation!! That\' right!")
        return 0

#  Generate random numbers 
num_start = int(input('Digital lower limit of guess number:\n'))
num_end = int(input('Digital upper limit of guess number:\n'))
num_random = random.randint(num_start, num_end)

#  Parameter initialization 
result = 1      #  Judgment result 
i = 0           #  Number of cycles 
frequency = 3   #  Loop limit number 

#  Prompt total guess times, remaining times 
print('WARNING: You have " {} "  chances you guess '.format(frequency), end = '--&&>>--')
print(' " {} "  chances left now:\n'.format(frequency - i +1))

while result and i != frequency:
    #  Guess numbers 
    num = int(input('Please guess a int_number:\n'))
    result = judge_num(num, num_random)
    i += 1

7. Binary conversion

#  Arbitrary binary conversion 10 Binary system 
def other_to_decimal(hex, num):
    #  Integer to list, 
    num_str = str(num)
    # map () will List Elements in the object ( list Type to a collection ( set ) Type 
    num_list = list(map(int, num_str))
    #  List reverse order 
    num_list = num_list[::-1]
    print(list(map(int, num_str)))

    #  Get the number of digits 
    digit = len(num_list)
    num_decimal = 0

    #  Accumulation 
    for i in range(digit):
        numi = num_list[i]
        # print(numi, hex**i)
        num_decimal += numi*(hex**i)   #  To each 1 Power exponential accumulation of digits 

    return num_decimal

# 10 Binary to arbitrary binary 
def decimal_to_other(hex, num):
    #  Get the number of digits 
    digit = len(str(num))

    num_hex = []
    quotient = 1

    #  Divide, and the remainder is included in the list num_hex
    while quotient:
        #  Remainder and quotient 
        quotient = num // hex
        remainder = num % hex
        # print(quotient, remainder)
        #  The remainder is included in the list 
        #  Do business 1 Sub-cycle 
        num = quotient

    #  List reverse order , By slicing and sort() Function can be implemented 
    num_hex = num_hex[::-1]
    # num_hex.sort(reverse=True)

    #  If it exceeds 10 Binary system, using ASCII Code is converted into letters 
    for i in range(len(num_hex)):
        if num_hex[i] > 9:
            num_hex[i] = chr(int(num_hex[i])+87)
    # print(num_hex)

    #  List to string 
    result = (''.join('%s' %m for m in num_hex))
    return result

Type = bool(input("10 Please enter the binary system to any binary system 1 , arbitrary binary conversion 10 Please enter the binary system 0\n"))
if Type:
    hex = int(input(" Need to put 10 How many binary systems are converted to? Please enter a positive integer \n"))
    num = int(input(" The number that needs to be converted is :"))
    print(" The conversion result is: ", decimal_to_other(hex, num))
    hex = int(input(" How many binary systems need to be converted to 10 Binary system? Please enter a positive integer \n Year "))
    num = int(input(" The number that needs to be converted is :"))
    print(" The conversion result is: ", other_to_decimal(hex, num))

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