Implementation example of python self made simple mysql connection pool

  • 2021-12-12 05:09:46
  • OfStack

What is a directory connection pool? Why do you need connection pooling? What is the principle of connection pooling? Using python Language to Make Simple mysql Connection Pool Start using Custom profile name & Configuration label Naming ideas GitHub address

Today, let's talk about the mysql connection pool by hand using python language.

What is a connection pool?

Connection pooling is a technique for creating and managing a buffer pool of 1 connection ready to be used by any thread that needs them. Connection Pool 1 generally performs better than direct connections when the amount of concurrency is sufficient, which not only improves performance but also manages valuable resources.

Why do you need connection pooling?

When discussing this issue, we need to first understand what causes the server to jam due to high concurrency.

Under normal circumstances, Whenever a user connects to the server using various terminals, Servers need to open up a piece of memory for its services, every time a request from the front-end to create a connection between mysql. However, too many connections will lead to server jamming memory occupation is too high, at this time, the need for connection pool to manage all the connection status, reasonable allocation & Recycling resources.

Simply put, using connection pooling technology can reduce server pressure.

What is the principle of connection pooling?

Connection pool mainly needs two parameters, default connection number and maximum connection number

When the service starts, free connections with the default number of connections are first created and put into the pool. When a user needs a connection, first check whether there are free connections in the pool. If yes: Take out 1 idle connection from the pool by connection pool allocation and deliver it to the user. If not: Check whether the total number of current surviving connections is greater than the maximum connection. If less than: Create a new connection and deliver it to users. If it is equal to: the thread is blocked, waiting for an idle connection to be handed over to the user. When the user runs out of connections, check whether the current number of surviving connections is greater than the default value. If less than or equal to: Put this connection back into the free pool and wait for the next use. If greater than: Release and destroy this connection and do not put it in the pool.

Using python Language to Make Simple mysql Connection Pool

Here, we need the ThemisPool. py connection pool itself, the db. cnf configuration file with the following directory path:

#  Recommended directory format , & db.cnf  You only need to be in the sibling directory 
[your python project]
    |-- util
         |-- db.cnf

#  Import dependencies 
# mysql Connect the basic library 
import pymysql

#  Libraries required to read configuration files 
import configparser
import os

#  Libraries required for thread management 
import threading

#  Create Configuration Class User Read Configuration File 
class Config(object):
    def __init__(self, configFileName='db.cnf'):
        file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), configFileName)
        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    def getSections(self):
        return self.config.sections()

    def getOptions(self, section):
        return self.config.options(section)

    def getContent(self, section):
        result = {}
        for option in self.getOptions(section):
            value = self.config.get(section, option)
            result[option] = int(value) if value.isdigit() else value
        return result
#  Encapsulate the parameters required for the connection in an object  
#  In order :  Database password, library name to connect to, host address [ Default  localhost] , port number [ Default  3306] Initialize the number of connections [ Default  3] Maximum number of connections [ Default  6]
class parameter(object):
    def __init__(self, password, database, host="localhost",port="3306" user="root", initsize=3, maxsize=6): = str(host)
        self.port = int(port)
        self.user = str(user)
        self.password = str(password)
        self.database = str(database)
        self.maxsize = int(maxsize)
        self.initsize = int(initsize)

#  Connection pool 
class ThemisPool(parameter):
    def __init__(self, fileName='db.cnf', configName='mysql'):
        #  Load configuration file ,  The profile name defaults to  'db.cnf',  The configuration label defaults to  'mysql'
        self.config = Config(fileName).getContent(configName)
        super(ThemisPool, self).__init__(**self.config)
        #  Create queues as   Pool 
        self.pool = queue.Queue(maxsize=self.maxsize)
        self.idleSize = self.initsize
        #  Create a thread lock 
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        #  Initialize the connection pool 
        for i in range(self.initsize):
            #  Create   Number of initialized connections   Number of connections put into the pool 
        #  Startup log 
        print('\033[1;32m ThemisPool connect database {database}, login is {user} \033[0m'.format(database=self.database,
    #  Production connection 
    def createConn(self):
        #  Use mysql Basic class  
        # pymysql.connect  Parameters are not explained here , Please refer to official website for details
        return pymysql.connect(,
    #  Get a connection 
    def getConn(self):
            #  If there are enough connections in the pool to get directly 
            if not self.pool.empty():
                self.idleSize -= 1
                #  Otherwise, add a new connection again 
                if self.idleSize < self.maxsize:
                    self.idleSize += 1
            return self.pool.get()
    #  Release connection 
    def releaseCon(self, conn=None):
            #  If the pool is larger than the initial value, the surplus will be closed, otherwise it will be put back into the pool 
            if self.pool.qsize() < self.initsize:
                self.idleSize += 1
                    #  Remove redundant connections and close them 
                    surplus = self.pool.get()
                    del surplus
                    self.idleSize -= 1
                except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
                    raise e
    #  Pull data (query) 
    #  Available statement types  (select)
    def fetchone(self, sql):
        themis = None
        cursor = None
            themis = self.getConn()
            cursor = themis.cursor()
            return cursor.fetchall()
        except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
            raise e
        except pymysql.OperationalError as e:
            raise e
        except pymysql.Error as e:
            raise e
    #  Update 
    #  Available statement types  (insert, update, delete)
    def update(self, sql):
        themis = None
        cursor = None
            themis = self.getConn()
            cursor = themis.cursor()
            return cursor.lastrowid
        except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
            raise e
        except pymysql.OperationalError as e:
            raise e
        except pymysql.Error as e:
            raise e
     #  Release the connection pool itself 
     def __del__(self):
            while True:
                conn = self.pool.get_nowait()
            if conn:
        except queue.Empty:

db. cnf configuration file

host = localhost
user = root
password = 12345678
database = practice
initsize = 3
maxsize = 6

All Configuration Properties

参数 说明 类型 默认值
host 主机地址 str localhost
port 端口号 int 3306
user mysql登录用户名 str root
password mysql登录密码 str -
database 访问库名 str -
initsize 初始化连接数 int 3
maxsize 最大连接数 int 6

Start using

from util.ThemisPool import ThemisPool

#  Initialization ThemisPool Connection pool  (Initialize the ThemisPool connection pool)
db = ThemisPool()

#  Query pull data , Function returns data directly  (Query pull data.It returns data directly)
selectSql = "select * from user;"
data = db.fetchone(selectSql)

#  Add, delete and change sentences ,  If there is a use mysql The self-growing insert value function returns self-growing data  (insert,upate delete and alter. If there is a value function inserted using mysql self-growth, it will return self-growth data)
insertSql = "insert into user values(null,'user001','123456')"
id = db.update(selectSql)

Custom profile name & Configuration label

The configuration file name defaults to db. cnf and the configuration label defaults to [mysql]

For example, the custom configuration file name is myDB. cnf, and the configuration label is [mysqlConfig]

# myDB.cnf

host = localhost
user = root
password = 12345678
database = practice
initsize = 3
maxsize = 6

#  When in use 
db = ThemisPool(fileName='myDB.cnf', configName='mysqlConfig')

Naming ideas

Themis (Themis) is named after the goddess of order in ancient Greek mythology, just like the function of connection pool 1, which manages the connections of all users and reduces unnecessary losses.

GitHub Address

ThemisPool Connection Pool

That's all this time. The next version will solve the problem that python can't format datetime data with json and integrate it into it

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