Python Decorator Details

  • 2021-12-12 05:04:07
  • OfStack

Catalog 1, Decorator 1.1 Application Scenario 2, Universal Decorator 3, Multilayer Decorator 4, Decorator with Parameters

1. Decorator

Decorator ( Decorator ): Literally, it is a device that decorates an object. You can add new functions to the decorated object or attach restrictions or help output without modifying the original code.

The feature of the decorator is that the function appears as its parameter, and the decorator also has the feature of closure.

The sample code looks like this:

#  Definition 1 Decorator 
def decorate(func):
    def wrapper():
        print(" Students have been added to the school student list ")
        print(" Students have been added to the department student list ")
        print(" Students have been added to the class list ")

    return wrapper

def student():
    print(" I'm a little flower ")

--- Output result ---
 I'm a little flower 
 Students have been added to the school student list 
 Students have been added to the department student list 
 Students have been added to the class list 

Use ** @ **** Symbol plus function name ** to decorate 1 function

Execution process: because student Is the decorated function, and the system will student Function is passed in the form of parameters decorate Function (decorator decorate ), execution decorate Function and assign the return value to the student Function.

The last 1 code is equal to the following 1 code:

#  Definition 1 Decorator 
def decorate(func):
    def wrapper():
        print(" Students have been added to the school student list ")
        print(" Students have been added to the department student list ")
        print(" Students have been added to the class list ")

    return wrapper

def student():
    print(" I'm a little flower ")

#  Pass the return value to the f  And call the 
f = decorate(student)  #  You can't add it here () Otherwise, it means calling the 
--- Output result ---
 I'm a little flower 
 Students have been added to the school student list 
 Students have been added to the department student list 
 Students have been added to the class list 

If student There are directly executable statements outside the function, and they are not called student Function is also executed,

The sample code is as follows:

#  Definition 1 Decorator 
def decorate(func):
    print(" This is external code ")

    def wrapper():
        print(" Students have been added to the school student list ")
        print(" Students have been added to the department student list ")
        print(" Students have been added to the class list ")

    return wrapper

def student():
    print(" I'm a little flower ")

# student()
--- Output result ---
 This is external code 

1.1 Application Scenarios

It can be used for judging whether the user logs in to continue the execution of the e-commerce website; Add logs and other scenarios,

The sample code looks like this:

#  Definition 1 Decorator 
def decorate(func):
    def wrapper():
        print(" Verifying whether the user is logged in ")
        # if  #  Code block to determine whether to log in 
        #     pass
        print(" User is logged in ")

    return wrapper

@decorate  #  Use decorators 
def add_shopping_cart():
    print(" Successful addition ")

@decorate  #  Use decorators 
def payment():
    print(" Payment Successful ")


--- Output result ---
 Successful addition 
 Verifying whether the user is logged in 
 User is logged in 
 Payment Successful 
 Verifying whether the user is logged in 
 User is logged in 

2. Universal decorator

Because the parameters of a function may not be fixed, this function can be accomplished by variable parameters of the function.

The sample code is as follows:

def decorate(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):  #  Use variable parameters to achieve the effect of accepting any parameters 
        print(" It is being tested. . . ")
        print(" Finished testing ")
        func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

@decorate  #  Use decorators 
def f1():  #  Parametric-free 
    print(" This one doesn't have any function ")

def f2(name):  # 1 Parameters 
    print(" The name is: ", name)

def student(*students):  #  Multiple parameters   # *students Used to receive multiple parameters 
    for ch in students:

def student_classroom(*students, classroom=" Front-end shift "):  #  Receive parameters that can be assigned 
    print(f" This is {classroom} Students of ")
    for ch in students:

#  Call function 
--- Output result ---
 It is being tested. . . 
 Finished testing 
 This one doesn't have any function 
f2("1 Bowl week ")
--- Output result ---
 It is being tested. . . 
 Finished testing 
 The name is:  1 Bowl week 
student(" Zhang 3", " Li 4", " Wang 5")
--- Output result ---
 It is being tested. . . 
 Finished testing 
 Zhang 3
 Li 4
 Wang 5
student_classroom(" Zhang 3", " Li 4", " Wang 5", classroom=" Front-end shift ")
 It is being tested. . . 
 Finished testing 
 This is the front class student 
 Zhang 3
 Li 4
 Wang 5

To prevent errors, set the decorator as a universal decorator when defining it

3. Multi-layer decorator

The execution sequence of multi-layer is from inside to outside, the innermost decorator is called first, and the outermost decorator is called last.

The sample code looks like this:

def maths(func):  #  Definition section 1 Decorator 
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        print(" The student has studied mathematics ")

    return wrapper

def Chinese(func):  #  Define the first decorator 
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        print(" The student has learned Chinese ")

    return wrapper

def English(func):  #  Definition section 3 Decorator 
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        print(" The student has learned English ")

    return wrapper

def student1(name):
    print(f" Students {name} It has been completed ")

def student2(name):
    print(f" Students {name} It has been completed ")

#  Call function 
student1(" Xiao Ming ")
 Student Xiaoming has finished it 
 The student has learned English 
 The student has studied mathematics 
student2(" Floret ")
 Student floret has finished 
 The student has studied mathematics 
 The student has learned Chinese 
 The student has learned English 

4. Decorator with parameters

Decorator 1 with parameters is divided into three layers, as follows:

Layer 1: Responsible for receiving the parameters of the decorator Layer 2: Responsible for receiving functions Layer 3: Responsible for receiving the parameters of the function

The sample code looks like this:

#  Decorator with parameters 
def outer(a):  #  No. 1 1 Layers:   Responsible for receiving the parameters of the decorator 

    def decorate(func):  #  No. 1 2 Layer   :   Responsible for receiving function 

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):  #  No. 1 3 Layer     Responsible for receiving the parameters of the function 
            for i in range(a):
            func(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper  #  What comes back is: the first 3 Layer 

    return decorate  #  What comes back is: the first 2 Layer 

def number():
    print(" Print finished ")

 Print finished 

The outermost function is responsible for receiving decorator parameters, and the contents inside are still the contents of the original decorator.

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