Detailed Explanation of Python flask script Module

  • 2021-12-12 05:00:35
  • OfStack

Directory 1 Role 2 Installation 3 All commands to run are placed in manager. py 4 3 Ways to Create Command4.1 Ways 1 Create Command Subclasses 4.2 Ways 2 Use Decorators @ manager. command 4.3 Ways 3 Use Decorators @ manager. option Summary

1 action

flask-script allows you to execute an flask statement in the form of a command.

Provide the function of inserting external scripts into Flask, such as running a development server, running shell and executing database scripts.

2 Installation

pip install flask-script

3 All commands to run are placed in manager. py

from flask import Flask
from flask_script import Manager, Command
from loguru import logger
# [  Generate 1 A  Flask  Instances  ]
app = Flask(__name__)  
# [ Manager  Constructor that accepts only 1 Parameters, 
#  Is  Flask  Example, Manager  Responsible for tracking the whole   Command   The processing process of  ]
manager = Manager(app)  

4 3 Ways to Create Commands

4.1 Creating Command Subclasses in Mode 1

#  Define the type of command to execute  Hello  Inheritance  Command
class Hello(Command):
    #  Rewrite  Command  Class  run()  Method 
    def run(self):  
        '''  Command to execute  ''''sub class of Command')  
if __name__ == '__main__':
     Will  hello  Command to join the  manager  , 
     No. 1 1 A parameter is its own command abbreviation, 
     No. 1 2 Parameters are  Command  Subclass  Hello  Example of 
    manager.add_command('hello', Hello())

Execute python manager on cmd. py hello [hello is short for its own command]

This will print out sub class of Command

4.2 Mode 2 Using Decorator @ manager.command

@manager.command  Actually  manager  It is initialized above  Manager  Class, 
 If  Manager  The instance name of the class is  manager_1  The decorator should also be changed to  @manager_1.command
 Use   Decorator  @manager.command  After, the abbreviation of command is   The name of the function  hello_command , 
 In  __main__  Medium   You don't need to   In   Pass  manager.add_command()  Will   Command abbreviation is added to  command  Instance in the 
def hello_command():'@manager.command')
if __name__ == '__main__':
     In  __main__  Medium   You don't need to   In   Pass  manager.add_command()  Will   Command abbreviation is added to  command  Instance in the 

Execute python manager on cmd. py hello_command [hello_command is short for its own command]

This will print @ manager.command

4.3 Mode 3 Using Decorator @ manager.option

-u  Object that is a command parameter   Abbreviation, --username  Object that is a command parameter   Full name 
 (Similar to  Linux  Parameters of the command, parameter abbreviations   For 1 A  - The parameters are all called  --  ), 
 Whether it is a parameter's   Abbreviation, or   Full name   Must be based on  -  At the beginning, but   The full name can also be used only by  1 A  -  At the beginning, 
 However, it is recommended to use   Two  -  At the beginning, because it is more in line with the coding specification, dest  The value of must be the same as that of  hello_option  Function (that is, command)   Input reference name 
 Weighing   Exactly the same, because  dest  Is to represent the value of this parameter and pass it to the  hello_option  The one that commands the function to enter the parameter; default  Denote 
 Parameter, that is, if you execute the  python hello_option  When executing a command, take no parameters, and use the default of the parameters 
@manager.option('-u', '--username', dest='username', default='zhangsan')  
@manager.option('-p', '--password', dest='password', default='123456')
def hello_option(username, password):'@manage.option')'username = {username}, password = {password}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
     In  __main__  Medium   You don't need to   In   Pass  manager.add_command()  Will   Command abbreviation is added to  command  Instance in the 


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