Definition and Application of Python Tuple

  • 2021-12-12 04:45:21
  • OfStack

Directory 1, Preface 2, Defining and Using Tuples 2.1 Defining 2.2 Using 3, Application Scenarios of Tuples 3.1 Packaging and Unpackaging 3.2 Exchanging Values of Two Variables 3.3 Making Functions Return Multiple Values

1. Preface

In Python A tuple is a data type very similar to a list, except that elements in a list can be modified, while elements in a tuple cannot be modified.

2. Define and use tuples

2.1 Definition

The parenthesis () literal syntax is usually used to define elements, and the example code is as follows:

tuple1 = ("Hello", "1 Bowl week ", " How do you do ")

print(type(tuple1))  #  View tuple types   <class 'tuple'>
print(tuple1)  # ('Hello', '1 Bowl week ', ' How do you do ')

2.2 Use

The operators and usage methods and lists supported by tuples are like 1, and the sample code is as follows:

tuple1 = ("Hello", "1 Bowl week ", " Nuggets ", " Developer ", "strive")
tuple2 = (10, 20, 60, 34)

#  Splice 
tuple3 = tuple1 + tuple2
print(tuple3)  # ('Hello', '1 Bowl week ', ' Nuggets ', ' Developer ', 'strive', 10, 20, 60, 34)
print(tuple2 * 2)  # (10, 20, 60, 34, 10, 20, 60, 34)

#  Indexing and slicing 
print(tuple1[1], tuple1[-4])  # 1 Bowl week  1 Bowl week 
print(tuple3[:2])  # ('Hello', '1 Bowl week ')
print(tuple3[::2])  # ('Hello', ' Nuggets ', 'strive', 20, 34)

#  Traversal operation 
for ch in tuple1:
1 Bowl week 

#  Member operation 
print("1 Bowl week " in tuple1)  # True
print(" Nuggets " not in tuple1)  # False

1 empty () It means an empty tuple. There are two elements in one tuple, which is called a 2 tuple. If there are five elements, it is called a 5 tuple, but if it is ('hello') Then it is not a tuple, and this parenthesis becomes a parenthesis to change the priority; If you want to turn it into parentheses, you need to add a comma, otherwise it does not represent a 1 tuple.

The sample code is as follows:

a = ()
print(type(a))    # <class 'tuple'>
b = ('1 Bowl week ')
print(type(b))    # <class 'str'>
c = (100)
print(type(c))    # <class 'int'>
d = ('1 Bowl week ', )
print(type(d))    # <class 'tuple'>
e = (100, )
print(type(e))    # <class 'tuple'>

3. Application scenarios of tuples

3.1 Packaging and Unpacking

When multiple comma-separated values are assigned to a variable, the values are packaged into a tuple type; When one tuple is assigned to multiple variables, the tuple will be unpacked into multiple values and then assigned to the corresponding variables respectively.

The sample code is as follows:

t = "Hello", "1 Bowl week ", " Nuggets ", " Developer ", "strive"
print(type(t))  # <class 'tuple'>
print(t)  # ('Hello', '1 Bowl week ', ' Nuggets ', ' Developer ', 'strive')

x, y, z, i, j = t
print(x, y, z, i, j)  # Hello 1 Bowl week   Nuggets   Developer  strive

If the number of elements and the number of variables are not 1 when unpacking, an error will be caused, such as the following code

t= ("Hello", "1 Bowl week ", " Nuggets ", " Developer ", "strive")

# x, y, z = t # ValueError: too many values to unpack

x, y, z, i, j, k, l = t # ValueError: not enough values to unpack

ValueError: too many values to unpack Insufficient value for unpacking 

ValueError: not enough values to unpack Too many unpacked values 

The way to solve the problem is to use the * wildcard character. With this wildcard character, one variable can receive multiple values, which turns a variable into a list. This wildcard can only appear once.

The sample code is as follows:

t = ("Hello", "1 Bowl week ", " Nuggets ", " Developer ", "strive")

x, y, *z = t
print(x, y, z)  # Hello 1 Bowl week  [' Nuggets ', ' Developer ', 'strive']

x, *y, z = t
print(x, y, z)  # Hello ['1 Bowl week ', ' Nuggets ', ' Developer '] strive

*x, y, z = t
print(x, y, z)  # ['Hello', '1 Bowl week ', ' Nuggets ']  Developer  strive

3.2 Exchanging the Values of Two Variables

In Python To exchange the values of the two variables a and b, you only need to use the following code

a, b = b, a

Similarly, if you want to interchange the values of three variables a, b and c, that is, b is assigned to a, c is assigned to b, and a is assigned to c, you can do the same.

a, b, c = b, c, a

3.3 Have a function return multiple values

If return Statement, which is assembled into a 2 tuple and then returned. Therefore, calling the defined function will get this 2 tuple, or you can assign two values in the 2 tuple to two variables through unpacking syntax.

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