15 short code examples to understand the rich programming thinking of python

  • 2021-12-11 18:38:05
  • OfStack

Directory 1. Check duplicate elements 2. Variable words 3. Check memory usage 4. Byte size calculation 5. Repeat print string N times 6. First letter uppercase 7. Block 8. Compression 9. Interval 10. Chain comparison 11. Comma separation 12. Calculate vowel letter number 13. First letter recovery lowercase 14. Flattening 15. Difference

1. Check for duplicate elements

The following method can check whether there are duplicate elements in a given list. It uses the set () attribute, which removes duplicate elements from the list.

def all_unique(lst):        
    return len(lst) == len(set(lst))  
x = [1,1,2,2,3,2,3,4,5,6]    
y = [1,2,3,4,5]    
all_unique(x) # False    
all_unique(y) # True

2. Anaphoric words

Detects whether two strings are variable words for each other (that is, reverse the character order with each other)

from collections import Counter   
def anagram(first, second):        
    return Counter(first) == Counter(second)    
anagram("abcd3", "3acdb") 
# True

3. Check memory usage

The following code snippet can be used to check the memory usage of an object.

import sys    
variable = 30     
# 24

4. Byte size calculation

The following method returns the string length in bytes.

def byte_size(string):       
    return(len(string.encode( utf-8 )))   
byte_size( ???? ) # 4    
byte_size( Hello World ) # 11

5. Repeat the string N

The following code prints a string n times without using a loop

n = 2
s ="Programming"
print(s * n); 
# ProgrammingProgramming

6. Capital initials

The following code snippet uses the title () method to capitalize each word within the string.

s = "programming is awesome"    
# Programming Is Awesome

7. Block

The following method uses range () to block the list into smaller lists of the specified size.

from math import ceil 
def chunk(lst, size):        
    return list(map(lambda x: lst[x * size:x * size + size],list(range(0, ceil(len(lst) / size)))))    
# [[1,2],[3,4],5]

8. Compress

The following method uses fliter () to remove error values in the list (such as False, None, 0, and "")

def compact(lst):        
    return list(filter(bool, lst))    
compact([0, 1, False, 2, , 3,  a ,  s , 34]) 
# [ 1, 2, 3,  a ,  s , 34 ]

9. Number of intervals

The following code snippet can be used to convert a 2-dimensional array.

array = [[ a ,  b ], [ c ,  d ], [ e ,  f ]]    
transposed = zip(*array)    
# [( a ,  c ,  e ), ( b ,  d ,  f )]

10. Chain comparison

The following code can be compared multiple times with various operators in line 1.

a = 3    
print( 2 < a < 8) 
# True    
print(1 == a < 2) 
# False

11. Comma Separation

The following code snippet converts a list of strings into a single string, with each element in the list separated by a comma.

from collections import Counter   
def anagram(first, second):        
    return Counter(first) == Counter(second)    
anagram("abcd3", "3acdb") 
# True

12. Count the number of vowels

The following method calculates the number of vowel letters ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') in a string.

from collections import Counter   
def anagram(first, second):        
    return Counter(first) == Counter(second)    
anagram("abcd3", "3acdb") 
# True

13. Restore the first letter to lowercase

The following methods can be used to convert the first letter of a given string to lowercase.

from collections import Counter   
def anagram(first, second):        
    return Counter(first) == Counter(second)    
anagram("abcd3", "3acdb") 
# True

14. Planarization

The following method uses recursion to expand the list of potential depths.

def spread(arg):    
    ret = []    
    for i in arg:        
        if isinstance(i, list):            
    return retdef 
    result = []    
    result.extend(spread(list(map(lambda x: deep_flatten(x) if type(x) == list else x, lst))))    
    return result
deep_flatten([1, [2], [[3], 4], 5]) 
# [1,2,3,4,5]

15. Variances

This method only retains the value in the first iterator, so as to find the difference between the two iterators.

from collections import Counter   
def anagram(first, second):        
    return Counter(first) == Counter(second)    
anagram("abcd3", "3acdb") 
# True

These are 15 short code examples to understand the details of the rich programming thinking of python. For more information about the short code programming thinking of python, please pay attention to other related articles on this site!

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