Detailed Explanation of Eight Methods of Packaging in Python Development

  • 2021-12-11 08:04:35
  • OfStack

Directory 1. Use easy_install2. Use pip install3. Use pipx4. Use setup. py5. Use yum6. Use pipenv7. Use poetry8. Use curl + Pipeline

1. Use easy_install

easy_install This should be the oldest package installation method, which is basically not used at present. Below is easy_install Some 1 Installation Examples of

#  By package name, from PyPI Find the latest version, download, compile and install automatically 
$ easy_install pkg_name

#  Find a link from the specified download page by package name to install or upgrade the package 
$ easy_install -f 

#  Specify the package address installation on the line 
$ easy_install

#  From local  .egg  File installation 
$ easy_install xxx.egg

2. Use pip install

pip is the most popular package management solution, using pip install xxx You can search and install it from PYPI xxx (If the package exists).

Here are just one of the most commonly used pip install Installation example of

$ pip install requests

#  The premise is that you have to make sure that you have downloaded it  pkg  Package to  /local/wheels  Directory 
$ pip install --no-index --find-links=/local/wheels pkg

#  The version of the installed package is  2.1.2
$ pip install pkg==2.1.2

#  The installed package must be greater than or equal to  2.1.2
$ pip install pkg>=2.1.2

#  The installed package must be less than or equal to  2.1.2
$ pip install pkg<=2.1.2

For more information on how to use pip, please refer to my previous article, which is very clear: 8.8 Detailed Guide to the Use of pip

3. Use pipx

pipx is a tool dedicated to installing and managing cli applications, and the Python packages installed with it will be installed separately into a new unique virtual environment.

Because it is a third-party tool, you need to install it before using it

$ python3 -m pip install --user pipx
$ python3 -m userpath append ~/.local/bin

Installation is ready to use pipx to install the cli tool.

#  Create a virtual environment and install packages 
$ pipx install pkg

For more information on how to use pipx, please refer to my previous article, which is very clear: 12.4 Guide to the Use of pipx Installer

4. Use setup. py

If you have written setup. py files, you can install them directly using the following command

#  Install directly using source code 
$ python install

5. Use yum

The Python package is in use When building, there are many options for the publishing format of the package, among which one option is bdist_rpm The package published with this option is rpm Gets or sets the package format of.

#  Publish  rpm  Bag 
$ python bdist_rpm

For rpm This format, you need to use yum install xxx Or easy_install0 To install.

#  Use  yum  Installation 
$ yum install pkg

#  Use  rpm  Installation 
$ rpm -ivh pkg

6. Use pipenv

If you are in a virtual environment created using pipenv, you can use the following command to install the package into the virtual environment

$ pipenv install pkg

7. Use poetry

If you have project dependencies managed using poetry, you can install the package using the following command

#  Direct installation package 
$ poetry add pkg

#  Specify as development dependency 
$ poetry add pytest --dev

8. Use the curl + pipe

Some third-party kits provide installation methods that use the curl configuration pipe directly, such as the above-mentioned poetry can be installed in this way.

$ curl -sSL | python

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The above is the Python development package 8 methods of detailed explanation of the details, more about Python package 8 methods of information please pay attention to other related articles on this site!

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