python Exception Handling try Example Summary

  • 2021-12-11 07:51:52
  • OfStack

Exception handling

Brief introduction

When we write program code, we often hang up the whole program because of a small problem.

What are the benefits of exception handling for our tests, I believe that students who have done automation know that our use cases are executed one by one. For example, there are hundreds of use cases in our programs. If one use case causes a program exception due to data, then all the rest will stop working. In this case, we should throw out the problem caused by this data and handle this exception.

We can use tryexcept to handle exceptions.


Put the statements that may report errors in try:, and then use except to handle exceptions. Every try must have at least 1 except.

If an error statement may occur, we can know which exceptions to report. After except, we need to keep up with the exception name

You can also use universal exception Exception, which can catch any exception

All the standard exception classes for python: See the end of the article

Example 1: Handling the specified error exception type

If we know what errors will be reported, we can directly catch and handle them, but if the name of the caught exception is incorrect, the program will also report errors.

First, we print an error of not declaring/initializing an object (no attribute), and then print another data that can be executed normally


Print results

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\ Users\ Zhang Tianci\ PycharmProjects\ pythonProject\ test\ lianxi\ 111. py", line 6, in < module >
NameError: name 'a' is not defined

Obviously print ("bb") is not executed, so we add try to the part where we may or are known to report an error: and specify NameError as to f variables with except, and print out the error

except NameError as f:

Print results

name 'aa' is not defined

As you can see, the program prints out the error message and executes print ("bb")

What if I open a wrong file? I don't know the name of the file opening error. What should I do at this time?

except NameError as f:

Print results:

Actually, it is an error file. I can't find the exception name correctly with Nameerror

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\ Zhang Tianci \PycharmProjects\pythonProject\test\lianxi\", line 2, in <module>
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ztc.txt'

See Example 2 when you encounter such a situation

Example 2: Universal exception handling

In Example 1, we said that when we can determine what type of error will be reported, we can specify this error type to handle it. Of course, in many cases, we will encounter many unknown exceptions, and it is impossible to predict all exceptions, so we can directly use the universal exception Exception

except Exception as f:

Print results:

exception can handle any error type exception in our try

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ztc.txt'

Example 3: try... finally...

try... finally... means that if our program has encountered an error, the code must be executed

What scenes can be used?

For example, if we link to the database, if we want to operate the database, if the program reports an error or does not report an error, we must close the database
For example, if we open an excel or txt document and want to write data, we must close this document regardless of whether an error is reported or not

First look at a normal execution situation

    f = open('ztc.json','r')

    print(' Has been closed ')

Print results

Has been closed

If you open the file and report an error before the file is closed,

    f = open('ztc.json','r')

    print(' Has been closed ')

Print results

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\ Users\ Zhang Tianci\ PycharmProjects\ pythonProject\ test\ lianxi\ 111. py", line 3, in < module >
NameError: name 'aaa' is not defined
Has been closed

Look at the above code, obviously the program printed print (aaa) when the error, but will still open the file to close


异常名称 描述
BaseException 所有异常的基类
SystemExit 解释器请求退出
KeyboardInterrupt 用户中断执行(通常是输入^C)
Exception 常规错误的基类
StopIteration 迭代器没有更多的值
GeneratorExit 生成器(generator)发生异常来通知退出
SystemExit Python 解释器请求退出
StandardError 所有的内建标准异常的基类
ArithmeticError 所有数值计算错误的基类
FloatingPointError 浮点计算错误
OverflowError 数值运算超出最大限制
ZeroDivisionError 除(或取模)零 (所有数据类型)
AssertionError 断言语句失败
AttributeError 对象没有这个属性
EOFError 没有内建输入,到达EOF 标记
EnvironmentError 操作系统错误的基类
IOError 输入/输出操作失败
OSError 操作系统错误
WindowsError 系统调用失败
ImportError 导入模块/对象失败
KeyboardInterrupt 用户中断执行(通常是输入^C)
LookupError 无效数据查询的基类
IndexError 序列中没有没有此索引(index)
KeyError 映射中没有这个键
MemoryError 内存溢出错误(对于Python 解释器不是致命的)
NameError 未声明/初始化对象 (没有属性)
UnboundLocalError 访问未初始化的本地变量
ReferenceError 弱引用(Weak reference)试图访问已经垃圾回收了的对象
RuntimeError 1般的运行时错误
NotImplementedError 尚未实现的方法
SyntaxError Python 语法错误
IndentationError 缩进错误
TabError Tab 和空格混用
SystemError 1般的解释器系统错误
TypeError 对类型无效的操作
ValueError 传入无效的参数
UnicodeError Unicode 相关的错误
UnicodeDecodeError Unicode 解码时的错误
UnicodeEncodeError Unicode 编码时错误
UnicodeTranslateError Unicode 转换时错误
Warning 警告的基类
DeprecationWarning 关于被弃用的特征的警告
FutureWarning 关于构造将来语义会有改变的警告
OverflowWarning 旧的关于自动提升为长整型(long)的警告
PendingDeprecationWarning 关于特性将会被废弃的警告
RuntimeWarning 可疑的运行时行为(runtime behavior)的警告
SyntaxWarning 可疑的语法的警告
UserWarning 用户代码生成的警告

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