Python Mathematical Modeling Learning Simulated Annealing Algorithm Example Analysis of Integer Programming Problem

  • 2021-12-09 09:34:49
  • OfStack

Directory 1, Integer Programming Problem 2, Simulated Annealing Algorithm to Deal with Integer Constraints 3, Numerical Simulation Case 3.1 Problem Description: 3.2 Problem Analysis: 3.3 Problem Modeling: 3.4 Penalty Function Method to Solve Constrained Optimization Problem: 4, Simulated Annealing Algorithm Python Program: Solve Integer Programming Problem 5, Run Results Reference:

1. Integer programming problem

The optimal solution of linear programming problem may be fractional or decimal. However, many practical problems often require that some variables must be integer solutions, such as the number of machines, the number of people working or the number of cars loading goods. According to different requirements for decision variables, integer programming can be divided into pure integer programming, mixed integer programming, 0-1 integer programming and mixed 0-1 programming.
The only difference between integer programming and linear programming is that integer constraints are added. At first, it seems that the integer solution can be obtained by rounding the non-integer solution of linear programming, but the integer solution after such rounding is not necessarily the optimal solution, or even the feasible solution. Therefore, it is usually necessary to use special methods to solve integer programming problems, which is much more complex than solving linear programming problems, so that there is no general polynomial solution up to now. Therefore, the integer programming problem is regarded as one of the most difficult problems in mathematical programming, even in mathematics.
The successful and popular methods for solving integer programming are branch and bound method and cut plane method. The core idea is to decompose the integer programming problem into a series of linear programming problems, and trace the upper bound (optimal feasible solution) and lower bound (optimal linear relaxation solution) of the integer programming problem, and iteratively converge to the optimal solution step by step. Because of the exponential complexity of the exact algorithm, the global optimal solution can not be obtained in a finite time, but only the approximate optimal solution can be obtained. YouCans
At present, the optimization solvers of integer programming problems mainly include IBM Cplex, Gurobi, FICO Xpress and SCIP. In 2018, Chinese Academy of Sciences released CMIP mixed integer programming solver. Lingo can be used to solve integer programming problems, and Matlab can also be used to solve integer programming problems. In fact, all of them use the built-in solver in the software. Python can also use the third square library to solve integer programming problems. For example, Cvxpy and PuLp can solve integer programming problems, and Cplex and Gurobi also have their own python and API.

2. Simulated annealing algorithm deals with integer constraints

Because the integer programming problem can not get the global optimal solution in finite time, heuristic algorithm has its application. Next, we discuss the simulated annealing algorithm to deal with integer constraints and solve integer programming problems.
In the last article, we discussed that the simulated annealing algorithm is much more complicated than other commonly used algorithms when dealing with the constraints of linear programming. However, when the simulated annealing algorithm deals with integer constraints, the method is extremely simple:
For a general optimization problem with continuous decision variables, the basic simulated annealing algorithm randomly generates the initial solution in the range of decision variables, while the new solution is generated by perturbation in the neighborhood of the existing solution. The algorithm is realized by random numbers with uniform distribution or normal distribution:

xInitial = random.uniform(xMin, xMax)
# random. uniform (min, max) randomly generates a real number in the range of [min, max]

xNew = xNow + scale * (xMax-xMin) * random.normalvariate(0, 1)
# random. normalvariate (0, 1): Generates random real numbers with a normal distribution of mean value 0 and standard deviation 1
xNew = max (min (xNew, xMax), xMin) # Ensures that the new solution is within the range of [min, max]

For integer programming problems, the random real number generators random. uniform, random. normalvariate, which produce initial values/new solutions, can be changed into random integer generators random. randint:

xInitial = random.randint(xMin, xMax)
# random. randint (xMin, xMax) produces random integers between [min, max]

Because the simulated annealing algorithm is independent of the problem (Problem-independent), generally speaking, this treatment will not affect the performance of the algorithm: it will not cause infeasible solutions, and there is no need to worry about not getting the optimal solution-the approximate algorithm can only get the approximate optimal solution, and it can get the approximate optimal solution.
In this case, the simpler processing method does not even need a random integer generator, and it is enough to directly round the non-integer solution obtained by linear programming:

xNew = round(xNow + scale * (xMax-xMin) * random.normalvariate(0, 1))
# random. normalvariate (0, 1): Generates random real numbers with normal distribution of mean value 0 and standard deviation 1
xNew = max (min (xNew, xMax), xMin) # Ensure that the new solution is within the range of [min, max]

The advantages of this approach are: (1) simplicity and directness, and (2) ease of achieving the desired probability distribution.

3. Digital and analog cases

For ease of understanding, this article still uses the previous cases.

3.1 Problem Description:

A factory produces two kinds of beverages, A and B, and every 100 boxes of A beverages need 6 kg of raw materials and 10 workers, with a profit of 100,000 yuan; Every 100 boxes of B drinks need 5 kg of raw materials and 20 workers, with a profit of 90,000 yuan.
Today, the factory has 60 kg of raw materials and 150 workers, and the output of A beverage is not more than 800 boxes due to other conditions.
(5) If loose boxes are not allowed (produced according to the whole hundred boxes), how to arrange the production plan, that is, how much is produced for each of the two beverages to maximize the profit?

3.2 Problem analysis:

Problem (5) requires production according to the whole hundred boxes, that is, it requires the decision variables to be integers, which is an integer programming problem.
For simulated annealing algorithm, the initial values/new solutions in the basic algorithm are randomly generated floating-point real numbers (uniform distribution or normal distribution). For the integer programming problem, the random real number generator that produces the initial value/new solution can be changed into a random integer generator, or the non-integer solution obtained by linear programming can be rounded into integer.

3.3 Problem modeling:

Decision variables:
x1: A beverage output, positive integer (unit: 100 boxes)
x2: Output of B beverage, positive integer (unit: 100 cases)
Objective function:
max fx = 10*x1 + 9*x2
6*x1 + 5*x2 < = 60
10*x1 + 20*x2 < = 150
Value range:
Given conditions: x1, x2 > = 0, x1 < = 8
Derivation conditions: x1, x2 > = 0 and 10*x1+20*x2 < = 150: 0 < =x1 < = 15; 0 < =x2 < =7.5
Therefore, 0 < = x1 < = 8, 0 < = x2 < =7.5

3.4 Penalty function method for solving constrained optimization problems:

Construct penalty function:
p1 = (max (0, 6*x1+5*x2-60)) **2
p2 = (max (0, 10*x1+20*x2-150)) **2
Note: Equality constraints such as x1 + 2*x2 = m can also be converted into penalty functions:
p3 = (x1+2*x2-m) **2
P (x) = p1 + p2 + …
Constructing augmented objective function:
L (x, m (k) = min (fx) + m (k) * P (x)
m (k): Penalty factor increases with the number of iterations k

In the simulated annealing algorithm, m (k) increases gradually with the number of iterations in the outer loop, but it should remain unchanged in the inner loop.

4. Simulated annealing algorithm Python program: solving integer programming problem

# 模拟退火算法 程序:求解线性规划问题(整数规划)
# Program:
# Purpose: Simulated annealing algorithm for function optimization
# v4.0: 整数规划:满足决策变量的取值为整数(初值和新解都是随机生成的整数)
# Copyright 2021 YouCans, XUPT
# Crated:2021-05-01
# = 关注 Youcans,分享原创系列 =
#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math                         # 导入模块
import random                       # 导入模块
import pandas as pd                 # 导入模块 YouCans, XUPT
import numpy as np                  # 导入模块 numpy,并简写成 np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt     
from datetime import datetime

# 子程序:定义优化问题的目标函数
def cal_Energy(X, nVar, mk): 	# m(k):惩罚因子,随迭代次数 k 逐渐增大
    p1 = (max(0, 6*X[0]+5*X[1]-60))**2
    p2 = (max(0, 10*X[0]+20*X[1]-150))**2
    fx = -(10*X[0]+9*X[1])
    return fx+mk*(p1+p2)

# 子程序:模拟退火算法的参数设置
def ParameterSetting():
    cName = "funcOpt"           # 定义问题名称 YouCans, XUPT
    nVar = 2                    # 给定自变量数量,y=f(x1,..xn)
    xMin = [0, 0]               # 给定搜索空间的下限,x1_min,..xn_min
    xMax = [8, 8]               # 给定搜索空间的上限,x1_max,..xn_max
    tInitial = 100.0            # 设定初始退火温度(initial temperature)
    tFinal  = 1                 # 设定终止退火温度(stop temperature)
    alfa    = 0.98              # 设定降温参数,T(k)=alfa*T(k-1)
    meanMarkov = 100            # Markov链长度,也即内循环运行次数
    scale   = 0.5               # 定义搜索步长,可以设为固定值或逐渐缩小
    return cName, nVar, xMin, xMax, tInitial, tFinal, alfa, meanMarkov, scale

# 模拟退火算法
def OptimizationSSA(nVar,xMin,xMax,tInitial,tFinal,alfa,meanMarkov,scale):
    # ====== 初始化随机数发生器 ======
    randseed = random.randint(1, 100)
    random.seed(randseed)  # 随机数发生器设置种子,也可以设为指定整数
    # ====== 随机产生优化问题的初始解 ======
    xInitial = np.zeros((nVar))   # 初始化,创建数组
    for v in range(nVar):
        # xInitial[v] = random.uniform(xMin[v], xMax[v]) # 产生 [xMin, xMax] 范围的随机实数
        xInitial[v] = random.randint(xMin[v], xMax[v]) # 产生 [xMin, xMax] 范围的随机整数
    # 调用子函数 cal_Energy 计算当前解的目标函数值
    fxInitial = cal_Energy(xInitial, nVar, 1) # m(k):惩罚因子,初值为 1
    # ====== 模拟退火算法初始化 ======
    xNew = np.zeros((nVar))         # 初始化,创建数组
    xNow = np.zeros((nVar))         # 初始化,创建数组
    xBest = np.zeros((nVar))        # 初始化,创建数组
    xNow[:]  = xInitial[:]          # 初始化当前解,将初始解置为当前解
    xBest[:] = xInitial[:]          # 初始化最优解,将当前解置为最优解
    fxNow  = fxInitial              # 将初始解的目标函数置为当前值
    fxBest = fxInitial              # 将当前解的目标函数置为最优值
    print('x_Initial:{:.6f},{:.6f},\tf(x_Initial):{:.6f}'.format(xInitial[0], xInitial[1], fxInitial))
    recordIter = []                 # 初始化,外循环次数
    recordFxNow = []                # 初始化,当前解的目标函数值
    recordFxBest = []               # 初始化,最佳解的目标函数值
    recordPBad = []                 # 初始化,劣质解的接受概率
    kIter = 0                       # 外循环迭代次数,温度状态数
    totalMar = 0                    # 总计 Markov 链长度
    totalImprove = 0                # fxBest 改善次数
    nMarkov = meanMarkov            # 固定长度 Markov链
    # ====== 开始模拟退火优化 ======
    # 外循环,直到当前温度达到终止温度时结束
    tNow = tInitial                 # 初始化当前温度(current temperature)
    while tNow >= tFinal:           # 外循环,直到当前温度达到终止温度时结束
        # 在当前温度下,进行充分次数(nMarkov)的状态转移以达到热平衡
        kBetter = 0                 # 获得优质解的次数
        kBadAccept = 0              # 接受劣质解的次数
        kBadRefuse = 0              # 拒绝劣质解的次数
        # ---内循环,循环次数为Markov链长度
        for k in range(nMarkov):    # 内循环,循环次数为Markov链长度
            totalMar += 1           # 总 Markov链长度计数器
            # ---产生新解
            # 产生新解:通过在当前解附近随机扰动而产生新解,新解必须在 [min,max] 范围内
            # 方案 1:只对 n元变量中的1个进行扰动,其它 n-1个变量保持不变
            xNew[:] = xNow[:]
            v = random.randint(0, nVar-1)   # 产生 [0,nVar-1]之间的随机数
            xNew[v] = round(xNow[v] + scale * (xMax[v]-xMin[v]) * random.normalvariate(0, 1))
            # 满足决策变量为整数,采用最简单的方案:产生的新解按照4舍5入取整
            xNew[v] = max(min(xNew[v], xMax[v]), xMin[v])  # 保证新解在 [min,max] 范围内
            # ---计算目标函数和能量差
            # 调用子函数 cal_Energy 计算新解的目标函数值
            fxNew = cal_Energy(xNew, nVar, kIter)
            deltaE = fxNew - fxNow
            # ---按 Metropolis 准则接受新解
            # 接受判别:按照 Metropolis 准则决定是否接受新解
            if fxNew < fxNow:  # 更优解:如果新解的目标函数好于当前解,则接受新解
                accept = True
                kBetter += 1
            else:  # 容忍解:如果新解的目标函数比当前解差,则以1定概率接受新解
                pAccept = math.exp(-deltaE / tNow)  # 计算容忍解的状态迁移概率
                if pAccept > random.random():
                    accept = True  # 接受劣质解
                    kBadAccept += 1
                    accept = False  # 拒绝劣质解
                    kBadRefuse += 1
            # 保存新解
            if accept == True:  # 如果接受新解,则将新解保存为当前解
                xNow[:] = xNew[:]
                fxNow = fxNew
                if fxNew < fxBest:  # 如果新解的目标函数好于最优解,则将新解保存为最优解
                    fxBest = fxNew
                    xBest[:] = xNew[:]
                    totalImprove += 1
                    scale = scale*0.99  # 可变搜索步长,逐步减小搜索范围,提高搜索精度                    
        # ---内循环结束后的数据整理
        # 完成当前温度的搜索,保存数据和输出
        pBadAccept = kBadAccept / (kBadAccept + kBadRefuse)  # 劣质解的接受概率
        recordIter.append(kIter)  # 当前外循环次数
        recordFxNow.append(round(fxNow, 4))  # 当前解的目标函数值
        recordFxBest.append(round(fxBest, 4))  # 最佳解的目标函数值
        recordPBad.append(round(pBadAccept, 4))  # 最佳解的目标函数值
        if kIter%10 == 0:                           # 模运算,商的余数
            print('i:{},t(i):{:.2f}, badAccept:{:.6f}, f(x)_best:{:.6f}'.\
                format(kIter, tNow, pBadAccept, fxBest))
        # 缓慢降温至新的温度,降温曲线:T(k)=alfa*T(k-1)
        tNow = tNow * alfa
        kIter = kIter + 1
        fxBest = cal_Energy(xBest, nVar, kIter)  # 由于迭代后惩罚因子增大,需随之重构增广目标函数
        # ====== 结束模拟退火过程 ======
    return kIter,xBest,fxBest,fxNow,recordIter,recordFxNow,recordFxBest,recordPBad
# 结果校验与输出
def ResultOutput(cName,nVar,xBest,fxBest,kIter,recordFxNow,recordFxBest,recordPBad,recordIter):
    # ====== 优化结果校验与输出 ======
    fxCheck = cal_Energy(xBest, nVar, kIter)
    if abs(fxBest - fxCheck)>1e-3:   # 检验目标函数
        print("Error 2: Wrong total millage!")
        print("\nOptimization by simulated annealing algorithm:")
        for i in range(nVar):
            print('\tx[{}] = {:.1f}'.format(i,xBest[i]))
        print('\n\tf(x) = {:.1f}'.format(cal_Energy(xBest,nVar,0)))
# 主程序
def main(): # YouCans, XUPT
    # 参数设置,优化问题参数定义,模拟退火算法参数设置
    [cName, nVar, xMin, xMax, tInitial, tFinal, alfa, meanMarkov, scale] = ParameterSetting()
    # print([nVar, xMin, xMax, tInitial, tFinal, alfa, meanMarkov, scale])

    # 模拟退火算法    [kIter,xBest,fxBest,fxNow,recordIter,recordFxNow,recordFxBest,recordPBad] \
        = OptimizationSSA(nVar,xMin,xMax,tInitial,tFinal,alfa,meanMarkov,scale)
    # print(kIter, fxNow, fxBest, pBadAccept)

    # 结果校验与输出
    ResultOutput(cName, nVar,xBest,fxBest,kIter,recordFxNow,recordFxBest,recordPBad,recordIter)

if __name__ == '__main__':

5. Running results

x_Initial:2.000000,7.000000,	f(x_Initial):17.000000
i:0,t(i):100.00, badAccept:0.814286, f(x)_best:-152.000000
i:10,t(i):81.71, badAccept:0.635135, f(x)_best:-98.000000
i:20,t(i):66.76, badAccept:0.782051, f(x)_best:-98.000000
i:200,t(i):1.76, badAccept:0.090000, f(x)_best:-98.000000
i:210,t(i):1.44, badAccept:0.120000, f(x)_best:-98.000000
i:220,t(i):1.17, badAccept:0.130000, f(x)_best:-98.000000
Optimization by simulated annealing algorithm:
    x[0] = 8.0
    x[1] = 2.0
    f(x) = -98.0


(1) Tian Peng, Yang Zihou, Zhang Siying, Simulated Annealing Solution of Class 1 Nonlinear Integer Programming, Proceedings of the 1993 Annual Meeting on Control Theory and Its Applications, Ocean Press, 1993, 533-537.

The above is the Python mathematical modeling learning simulated annealing algorithm integer programming problem example analysis of the details, more information about mathematical modeling learning simulated annealing algorithm please pay attention to other related articles on this site!

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