Python drawing small case of snowman super detailed source code notes

  • 2021-12-04 19:20:01
  • OfStack

Step by step to teach you how to use Python to draw a snowman, step by step familiar with the basic drawing operation of Python, nonsense, on the code.

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class Shape:     # 基类(雪人各部件(形状)共有的属性)
    def __init__(self, cvns, points, fill):     # 构造方法  画布  位置坐标  颜色
         self.cvns = cvns                 # 画布
         self.points = points             # 坐标(x1, y1, x2, y2)
         self.fill = fill = None                  # 当前图形的id
    def delete(self):         # 删除图形
class ShapeAngles(Shape):     # 继承基类(增加了角度))
    def __init__(self, cvns, points, fill, angles=(10, 170)):        # angles:角度值,带默认参数
        super(ShapeAngles, self).__init__(cvns, points, fill)   # 调用基类构造: cvns,points,fill
        self.angles = {'start':angles[0], 'extent':angles[1]}  # 构造自己的属性:angles
class HatTop(Shape):      # 帽子顶部
    def draw(self):
# = self.cvns.create_oval(self.points, fill='white')       # 椭圆形 = self.cvns.create_oval(self.points, fill=self.fill)       # 椭圆形
class HatBottom(Shape):    # 帽子底部
    def draw(self): = self.cvns.create_polygon(self.points)     # 绘多边形的方法
class Hat:         # 帽子整体(组合顶部和底部)
    def __init__(self, cvns, start_point, fill, w, h):    # w,h是帽子的宽、高
        self.cvns = cvns                            # 初始化
        self.start_point = start_point
        self.w = w
        self.fill = fill
        self.h = h = HatTop(self.cvns, self.ht_cacu(), fill=self.fill)        # 实例化顶部
        self.hb = HatBottom(self.cvns, self.hb_cacu(), self.fill)         # 实例化底部
    def draw(self):                # 绘制              # 调用顶部方法绘制
        self.hb.draw()              # 调用底部方法绘制
    def delete(self):
       # self.hb.delete()
    def ht_cacu(self):             # 计算顶部坐标
        r = self.h / 3 / 2
        x1 = self.start_point[0] + self.w / 2 - r
        y1 = self.start_point[1] + 20 - r
        x2 = x1 + 2 * r
        y2 = y1 + 2 * r
        return x1, y1, x2, y2
    def hb_cacu(self):              # 计算底部坐标(3角形的3个点的坐标)
        x1 = self.start_point[0] + self.w / 2
        y1 = self.start_point[1] + self.h / 3
        x2 = self.start_point[0] + self.w / 3
        y2 = self.start_point[1] + self.h + 13
        x3 = self.start_point[0] + self.w / 3 * 2
        y3 = y2
        return x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3
class Sense(ShapeAngles):                # 5官(眼、口扇形图形)
    def draw(self): = self.cvns.create_arc(*self.points, **self.angles, fill='red')    # 绘制弧线
class Face(HatTop):   # 脸
class Head:         # 头部
    def __init__(self, cvns, start_point, fill, w, h):    # 此处的w,h是头的
        self.cvns = cvns
        self.start_point = start_point
        self.fill = fill
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        eye0_points = self.eye0_cacu()     # 眼睛1坐标
        dx = self.h / 3 + self.h / 9
        eye1_points = (eye0_points[0] + dx, eye0_points[1],    # 眼睛2坐标
                       eye0_points[2] + dx, eye0_points[3])
        self.face = Face(self.cvns, self.face_cacu(), self.fill)          # 脸:带参数的实例
        self.eye0 = Sense(self.cvns, eye0_points, fill='blue')              # 眼1:带参数的实例
        self.eye1 = Sense(self.cvns, eye1_points, self.fill)              # 眼2:带参数的实例
        self.mouth = Sense(self.cvns, self.mouth_cacu(), (-10, -170))  # 口:带参数的实例
    def draw(self):
        # 绘制脸部各部位
    def face_cacu(self):             # 脸坐标计算
        x1 = self.start_point[0] + (self.w - self.h) / 2
        y1 = self.start_point[1]
        x2 = x1 + self.h
        y2 = y1 + self.h
        return x1, y1, x2, y2
    def eye0_cacu(self):              # 眼0坐标计算
        left_point = (self.start_point[0] + (self.w - self.h) / 2 - 5, self.start_point[1])
        x1 = left_point[0] + self.h / 6
        y1 = left_point[1] + self.h / 3
        x2 = x1 + self.h / 3
        y2 = left_point[1] + self.h / 2
        return x1, y1, x2, y2
    def mouth_cacu(self):            # 口坐标计算
        left_point = (self.start_point[0] + (self.w - self.h) / 2, self.start_point[1])
        x1 = left_point[0] + self.h / 3
        y1 = left_point[1] + 2 * self.h / 3 + 25      # +25后口的位置靠下,并且图形更大了
        x2 = x1 + self.h / 3
        y2 = left_point[1] + self.h / 2
        return x1, y1, x2, y2
class hand(HatTop):            # 手
class BodyOutline(HatTop):      # 身体轮廓,因没有特别的形状,继承了基类,类体为空
class Button(HatTop):            # 钮扣
class Body:                      # 身体
    def __init__(self, cvns, start_point, fill, w, h):
        self.cvns = cvns
        self.start_point = start_point
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        self.fill = fill
        self._button_size = 10        # 钮扣的大小
        self.buttons = [] = BodyOutline(self.cvns, self.body_cacu(), self.fill)      # 身体轮廓实例
#        self.hd = hand(self.cvns, (15, 500, 45, 240), self.fill)           # 左手轮廓实例,坐标为矩形的两个对角顶点的坐标为准画的圆/椭圆
        self.hd = hand(self.cvns, self.bd_cacu(0), self.fill)           # 左手轮廓实例,坐标为矩形的两个对角顶点的坐标为准画的圆/椭圆
        self.hd2 = hand(self.cvns, self.bd_cacu(self.w), self.fill)  # 右手
        for pnts in self.all_button_points():
            self.buttons.append(Button(self.cvns, pnts, self.fill))
    def bd_cacu(self, w):  # 计算手的坐标
        x1 = 15 + w
        y1 = self.start_point[1] + self.h / 2
        x2 = x1 + 30
        y2 = y1 - 26 * self._button_size
        return x1, y1, x2, y2
    def draw(self):                # 身体绘制
        self.hd.draw()                # 手1绘制
        self.hd2.draw()               # 手2绘制
        for bttn in self.buttons:    # 各钮扣绘制
    def body_cacu(self):           # 计算身体轮廓坐标
        x1, y1 = self.start_point
        x2 = x1 + self.w
        y2 = y1 + self.h
        return x1, y1, x2, y2
    def button0_cacu(self):        # 计算第0个钮扣的坐标
        x1 = self.start_point[0] + self.w / 2 - self._button_size
        y1 = self.start_point[1] + self.h / 5 - self._button_size
        x2 = x1 + 2 * self._button_size         # 2决定钮扣的园形形状
        y2 = y1 + 2 * self._button_size
        return x1, y1, x2, y2
    def move_dy(self, points, size):   # 钮扣移动的方法
        y1 = points[1] + size
        y2 = points[3] + size
        return points[0], y1, points[2], y2
    def all_button_points(self):          # 绘制每个钮扣的坐标
        b0_points = self.button0_cacu()
        size = self.h / 6                   # 身高/钮扣数+1
        points = []                         # 列表
        for i in range(5):                 # 钮扣的个数
            points.append(self.move_dy(b0_points, i * size))   # 各钮扣的移动数据存入列表points
        return points                   # 返回列表值
    # def set_button_size(self, size):
    #     self._button_size = size
class Snow:           # 组装成雪人
    def __init__(self, cvns, points, fill, w=150, h=450):       # points为雪人的坐标其与帽子坐标1致(见雪人图)
        self.cvns = cvns
        self.points = points
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        self.fill = fill
        self.head = Head(self.cvns, (self.points[0], self.points[1] + self.h / 6), self.fill, self.w, self.h / 3)   # 实例化头部
        self.body = Body(self.cvns, (self.points[0], self.points[1] + self.h / 2), self.fill, self.w, self.h / 2)   # 实例化身体
        self.fill = 'red'                                                            # 帽子顶部颜色
        self.hat = Hat(self.cvns, self.points, self.fill, self.w, self.h / 6)        # 绘帽子                             # 实例化帽子
    def draw(self):
        self.hat.draw()         # 绘制帽子
        self.head.draw()        # 绘制头
        self.body.draw()        # 绘制身体
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import tkinter
    root = tkinter.Tk()         # 建立根窗口
    cvns = tkinter.Canvas(root, width=400, height=700, bg='white')   # 调用画布
    cvns.pack()                 # 将画布添加到窗口
    snow = Snow(cvns, (30, 15), 'white', 320, 660)   # 雪人的实例化(传入画布对象、起始坐标、宽、高)
    snow = snow.draw()          # 绘制

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