Application of unittest Framework in python

  • 2021-12-04 10:19:59
  • OfStack

Directory 1. Unittest is a test framework embedded in Python, and no special configuration is required Summarize

1. Unittest is a test framework embedded in Python, which does not need special configuration

2. Write specifications

Import is required import unittest

Test classes must inherit unittest.TestCase

Test method begins with test_

Module and class names are not required

TestCase Understanding as writing test cases

TestSuite Understand as a collection of test cases

TestLoader Test case loading understood as

TestRunner Execute test cases and output reports

import unittest
from class_api_login_topup.demo import http_request
from class_api_login_topup.http_attr import Get_Attr  #  Reflected value   Get  cookies
#  This is the file http_attr In Get_Attr Class 
class Get_Attr:
    cookies = None

class Login_Http(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, methodName, url, data, method, expected):
        super(Login_Http, self).__init__(methodName)  #  Hyperinheritance 
        self.url = url = data
        self.expected = expected
        self.method = method
    def test_api(self):  #  Login normally 
        res = http_request().request(self.url,, self.method, getattr(Get_Attr, 'cookies'))
        if res.cookies:
            setattr(Get_Attr, 'cookies', res.cookies)
            self.assertEqual(self.expected, res.json()['code'])
        except AssertionError as e:
            print("test_api's, error is {0}", format(e))
            raise e

if __name__ == '__main__':

Execution 1:

import unittest
from class_demo_login_topup.http_tools import Login_Http
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
test_data = [{'url': '',
              'data': {'mobilephone': 'xxxx', 'pwd': '123456'}, 'expected': '10001', 'method': 'get'},
             {'url': '',
              'data': {'mobilephone': 'xxxx', 'pwd': '12345678'}, 'expected': '20111', 'method': 'get'},
             {'url': '',
              'data': {'mobilephone': 'xxxx', 'amount': '1000'}, 'expected': '10001', 'method': 'post'},
             {'url': '',
              'data': {'mobilephone': 'xxxx', 'amount': '-100'}, 'expected': '20117', 'method': 'post'}]
#  Traverse data and execute scripts  addTest  Single execution 
for item in test_data:
    suite.addTest(Login_Http('test_api', item['url'], item['data'], item['method'], item['expected']))
#   Execute 
with open('http_TestCase.txt', 'w+', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=file, verbosity=2)
#  Running result 
{'status': 1, 'code': '10001', 'data': None, 'msg': ' Login Successful '}
{'status': 0, 'code': '20111', 'data': None, 'msg': ' Wrong username or password '}
{'status': 1, 'code': '10001', 'data': {'id': 10011655, 'regname': ' Bee ', 'pwd': 'E10ADC3949BA59ABBE56E057F20F883E', 'mobilephone': 'xxxx', 'leaveamount': '150000.00', 'type': '1', 'regtime': '2021-07-14 14:54:08.0'}, 'msg': ' Successful recharge '}
{'status': 0, 'code': '20117', 'data': None, 'msg': ' Please enter the range in 0 To 50 A positive amount between ten thousand '}

Execution 2: Run the data of test_data in EXCEL.

import unittest
from class_demo_login_topup.http_tools import Login_Http
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
test_data = HttpExcel('test_api.xlsx', 'python').real_excel()
for item in test_data:
    suite.addTest(Login_Http('test_api', item['url'], eval(item['data']), item['method'], str(item['expected'])))
with open('http_TestCase.txt', 'w+', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=file, verbosity=2)   

Execution 3. Direct use of decorator ddt

import unittest
from class_api_login_topup.demo import http_request
from class_api_login_topup.http_attr import Get_Attr  #  Reflected value 
from ddt import ddt, data, unpack
from class_demo_login_topup.http_excel import HttpExcel

test_data = HttpExcel('test_api.xlsx', 'python').real_excel()
class Login_Http(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_api(self, item):  #  Login normally 
        res = http_request().request(item['url'], eval(item['data']), item['method'], getattr(Get_Attr, 'cookies'))
        if res.cookies:
            setattr(Get_Attr, 'cookies', res.cookies)
            self.assertEqual(str(item['expected']), res.json()['code'])
        except AssertionError as e:
            print("test_api's, error is {0}", format(e))
            raise e

Execute ddt Mode 1

import unittest
from class_demo_login_topup.http_tools import Login_Http
from class_demo_login_topup.http_excel import HttpExcel
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
from class_demo_login_topup import http_tools_1
suite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromModule(http_tools_1))  #  Execute the entire file 
with open('http_TestCase.txt', 'w+', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=file, verbosity=2)

Execute ddt Mode 2

import unittest
from class_demo_login_topup.http_tools import Login_Http  #  No need ddt Method of 
from class_demo_login_topup.http_excel import HttpExcel
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
from class_demo_login_topup.http_tools_1 import * # http_tools_1 The file is used ddt Method of 
suite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Login_Http))  #  Execute http_tools_1  Under the file Login_Http Class, executed according to the class 
with open('http_TestCase.txt', 'w+', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=file, verbosity=2)


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