Instance Usage of the python not Operator

  • 2021-11-13 08:22:00
  • OfStack


1. not logic is NO, which can perform NO operation on the value to the right of symbol.

2. For Boolean values, the non-operation will reverse them, and True will change to False, and False will change to True.

For non-Boolean values, the non-operation converts them to Boolean values first, and then reverses them.

The nullity value is False, and the others are True.


a = True
#  If the expression does not assign a value. Will not check the variable a Have any impact, 
#  Just created 1 A new object stores the results, 
#  Same as data type conversion 
not a
#  Pair variable a After assignment, the expression is the result that affects the variable a . 
a = not a
print(f"a = {a}") # a = False
# 4 Logical operator plus the expression around () Does not affect the result of the operation. 
#  Why add (), Avoid ambiguity and increase readability. 
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
print((a < b) and (b < c))  # True
print((a > b) and (b < c))  # False
print((a > b) or (b < c))   # True
print(not (a > b))          # True

Instance extension:

# Defining variables num Value is a string 123num = "123"# Defining variables num2 For int  Value  1
num2 = 1#while  The loop condition is, if the variable num  Include string 2 Is looped and printed hehe
while "2" in num:
    print("hehe")# Every cycle, num2 Will increase by itself 1
    num2 += 1# When num   Value is equal to 2  Stop this time while  Cycle (break  To interrupt this cycle )
    if num2 == 3:
        break# Last print over Value 
print("over")# Explanation: 

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