Simple Use and Rename Operation of os Module in Python

  • 2021-11-01 03:41:54
  • OfStack


OS module although the basic time has been learned, but who let me belong to the kind of people do not immediately forget it, so in the next crawling a certain indescribable men like the site, in the encounter crawling down the data need to save, you need to use the OS module

Basic Review of OS Module

Review the basics first

The OS module is used to manipulate folders (based on my understanding)

import os
os.mkdir("path")  #  Create the path 

Then, the foundation is gone. Yes, I learned this when I studied the basic OS module. At that time, it was enough

Small Application of OS Module

This is what I used when I was writing a crawler applet

1. An error was reported when the folder existed while saving the file

import os
path = " File path "
if not os.path.exists(path):

If path does not exist, it is created, and if it does, it is not created

2. View the path of the current file

import os

This is quite useful. Before writing crawlers with mobile phones, it is the current path seen by this that can save the data. As for what data is crawling, this is of course the kind of O that men love to watch. Haha ~

3. Copy the file and rename the copy

import os
#  No. 1 1 Methods 
os.rename(" The name of the file to copy ", " Rename the copied file ")
#  No. 1 2 Methods 
os.system("copy  The name of the file to copy   Rename the copied file ")
#  This method is to open the cmd Rename is equivalent to the code to help you open it cmd And typed this command, noting that the file name needs to be an absolute path 

Simple Rename Operation of os Module for python

# coding=utf-8
import os
#  Will 1355..ts The file name is changed to 1355.ts
#  File name directory address to modify 
path = "D:/video/"
#  Get all files in the current directory 
dirlist = os.listdir(path)
for name in dirlist:
	#  If the extension is .ts
	if name[-3:] ==".ts":
		#  Find the first 1 Position of points 
		i = name.find(".")
		#  The new name is  1355 + ".ts"
		newname = name[:i]+".ts"
		#  Rename operation 


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