Examples of using the python jinja2 template

  • 2021-10-15 10:59:21
  • OfStack

Usefulness of catalog templates
Template syntax
Inheritance and super functions render with jinja2

Usefulness of templates

jinja2 can be used to modify the configuration file, and the key parts of the configuration file can be replaced with variables

Template syntax

Template syntax and django's template syntax are similar to those in jinja2, and there are three kinds of syntax:

Control structure {%%}
Variable value {{}} Notes {# #} for cycle

{% for user in users %}
{% endfor %}

Iterative dictionary

{% for key,value in my_dict.iteritems() %}
{{ key }}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}

Commonly used filters are:

safe: Values are not escaped when rendering capitialize: Converts the first letter of the value to uppercase and other children to lowercase lower: Convert values to lowercase upper: Convert values to uppercase title: Converts the first letter of each word in the value to uppercase trim: Remove the first and last spaces of the value striptags: Remove all HTML tags from the value before rendering join: Splicing multiple values into strings replace: Replace the value of the string round: The number is rounded by 4 and entered by 5 by default, and can also be controlled by parameters int: Convert a value to an integer

{{ 'abc' | catialize }}
# Abc

Inheritance and super function

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  {% block head %}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" rel="external nofollow" />
  <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} - My Webpage</title>
  {% endblock %}
<div id="content">{% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>
<div id="footer">
  {% block footer %}
  <script>This is javascript code </script>
  {% endblock %}

{% extend "base.html" %}    #  Inheritance base.html Documents 
{% block title %} Dachenzi {% endblock %}  #  Customize title Part of the content 
{% block head %}
  {{ super() }}    #  Used to get the original information 
  <style type='text/css'>
  .important { color: #FFFFFF }
{% endblock %}  
#  Other unmodified intact inheritance 

Rendering with jinja2

There is a class named Enviroment in the jinja2 module, an instance of which stores configuration and global objects, and then loads templates from the file system or other location

1. Basic usage

PackageLoader: Package Loader FileSystemLoader: Filesystem Loader

The easiest way to load a document using the package loader is as follows:

from jinja2 import PackageLoader, Environment
env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('python_project', 'templates')) #  Create 1 Package loader objects 
template = env.get_template("base.html") #  Get 1 Template files 
template.render(name="daxin", age=18)
The two tests for PackageLoader () are the name of the python package and the template directory name get_template (): Gets a specific file in the template directory render (): Accepts variables to render the template


File system loader, you can directly access the files in the system without the need for template files to exist under a certain Python package

import os
from jinja2 import PackageLoader, Environment, FileSystemLoader
path_dir = "/mnt/e/files"
loader = FileSystemLoader(searchpath=path_dir)
env = Environment(loader=loader)
template = env.get_template("index.opf") #  Template file 
buf = template.render(name="daxin", age=18)
with open(os.path.join("path_dir", "index.opf"), "w" ) as fp:
FileSystemLoader (): The searchpath parameter is followed by the directory where the file is located get_template (): Gets a specific file in the template directory render () accepts variables to render the template The rendered content can be saved to the configuration file

The above is the python jinja2 template using the details of the example, more information about python jinja2 template please pay attention to other related articles on this site!

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