Detailed Explanation of axis and keepdim Parameters of numpy's sum Function

  • 2021-10-11 18:52:52
  • OfStack


axis is the designated axis.

A 3-D array can be thought of as a 1-D array whose elements are 2-D arrays, and a 2-D array can be thought of as a 1-D array whose elements are 1-D arrays. (It's comfortable to understand this!)


axis=2 means that the 3-D array sums the innermost layer, that is, the inside of each 1-D array.

axis=0 is the sum between the elements of the outermost layer.

Example poke here


It can be understood that the parameter 'keepdims = True' is to keep the dimension of the result the same as that of the original array, that is, keep dimension keeps the dimension.

import numpy as np
print('b The sum of the elements in: ',np.sum(b))
# That is, in b The first part of 1 Adding on the axes is equivalent to compressing rows, which can also be understood as 2 The first of dimensional matrices 1 Add up the things in layer brackets 
# If axis=1 Is a compressed column, that is, for the first 2 Summation in layer brackets 

Run results:

[[ 0 1 2 3 4 5]
[ 6 7 8 9 10 11]]
Sum of Elements in b: 66
[[ 6 8 10 12 14 16]]
The last output specifies axis=0, keepdim=True, and you can see that the output is a 2-dimensional array. If you don't add keepdim=True, the result is a 1-dimensional array [6 8 10 12 14 16]

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