python openpyxl Filtering Some Columns

  • 2021-09-24 23:14:40
  • OfStack

Because you want to copy some cell formats of excel, you need to select the eligible

The following example is a reservation less than 15

Then in the new form


wbsheet_new is the new form, and cell2 is the cell reserved after filtering, which is expressed in the format of I24: J24, K24: L24

The result of screening is [('AO', 'AP')], which is the expression mode of list containing tuples, and then the first element is extracted by result [0] [0].

If it is larger than 15 columns


Remove it and keep the rest

from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter, column_index_from_string
import re
for si in s:
 print (result)
 if column_index_from_string(result[0][0])>=15:
 print(' Remove %s'%result[0][0])

Supplement: python openpyxl Get the list of merged cells, filter and unmerge cells

The code is as follows:

# Gets the information of all merged cells in the table and traverses 
    for i in ws.merged_cell_ranges:
      # Gets the starting row, column, ending row, column of the merged cell 
      r1, r2, c1, c2 = i.min_row, i.max_row, i.min_col, i.max_col
      # Unmerge 
      ws2.unmerge_cells(start_row = r1, end_row = r2, start_column = c1, end_column = c2)

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