Multiple Realization Schemes of python Inversion of a Three bit Integer

  • 2021-09-24 23:04:26
  • OfStack

When practicing this problem on LintCode, look up the data and find a variety of methods, which are summarized as follows.

输入 输出
123 321

Type 1: Realization of remainder rounding by integer method

class Solution:
  @param number: A 3-digit number.
  @return: Reversed number.
  def reverseInteger(self, number):
    g = number%10     # Take out single digits 
    s = (int(number/10))%10  # Take out 10 Number of digits   
    b = int(number/100)     # Take out hundreds of digits 
    return g*100+s*10+b
if __name__ == "__main__":
  so = Solution()
  print (so.reverseInteger(123))

python does not automatically intercept reserved integers like C language 1, which needs to be converted by int 1

Type 2: Use string slicing

  def reverseInteger(self, number):
    return result

How to Deal with String by Borrowing

Type 3: Using the stack

def reverseInteger(self, number):
 number=str(number)# Analog stacking 
    while len(l)>0:
      result+=l.pop()# Analog stack 
    return int(result)

Supplement: Python program: Any input of a 3-digit, and then the 3-digit position inverted output.

Method 1

The input of three hundreds of digits, 10 digits and individual digits are represented in turn, and then the individual digits are exchanged with the hundred digits.

# Input number = 123, Output 321
number = int(input(' Please enter 1 A 3 Number of digits: '))
a = number%10 # Individual position 
b = number//10%10 #10 Bit 
c = number//100 # Hundred digits 
re_number = a*100 + b*10 + c
print('%d The inversion number of is :%d'%(number,re_number)) # No. 1 1 Species of output mode 
print('{0} The inversion number of is :{1}'.format(number,re_number)) # No. 1 2 Species of output mode 

Method 2

The input of 3 digits in the form of a string with list () method list, and then reverse sequence from the list of bits, 10 bits, 100 bits, the output attention to the str type conversion to int type.

# Input number = 123, Output 321
number = input(' Please enter 1 A 3 Number of digits: ')
list1 = list(number) # The that will be entered 3 The string of digits is stored in the list 
list1.reverse() # Invert list elements 
a = int(list1[0]) # Take out the elements of the inverted list and change their types to int Type 
b = int(list1[1])
c = int(list1[2]) # You can also reverse the elements in the list without reversing it 
re_number = a*100 + b*10 + c
print('%s The inversion number of is :%s'%(number,re_number))
print('%d The inversion number of is :%d'%(int(number),re_number))

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