Detailed explanation of python's xlwings library reading and writing excel operation summary

  • 2021-09-11 20:40:32
  • OfStack

1. Summary (click Show or Hide Summary Content)

1 sentence summary:
xlwings is a third-party library of Excel in Python. It supports. xls and. xlsx reading and writing. The operation is very simple and the function is also very powerful

1. Logic in xlwings: Applying- > Workbook- > Worksheet- > What code does the scope correspond to?

Application: 1 application (1 xlwings program): app = xw. App (visible=True, add_book=False)
Workbook (book): excel file (excel program): wb = app. books. add ()
Worksheet (sheet): sheet: sht = wb. sheets ['sheet1']
Range: Row and column: sht. range ('a6'). expand ('table'). value = [['a', 'b'], ['d', 'e']]

import xlwings as xw

#  Write to Excel Zhongqu 
# add_book That is, whether to increase or not excel  Adj. book
# visible=True  Indicates whether the operation procedure can be displayed 
app = xw.App(visible=True, add_book=False)
#  Workbook 
wb = app.books.add()

#  Page sheet1
sht = wb.sheets['sheet1']
#  Single value insertion 
# sht.range('A1').value = ' Product name '
# sht.range('B1').value = ' Numbering '
# sht.range('C1').value = ' Price '
# sht.range('A2').value = ' Don't tell you '
# sht.range('B2').value = 'n110110'
# sht.range('C2').value = '688.26'
# sht.range('A3').value = ' Don't tell you 1'
# sht.range('B3').value = 'n1101101'
# sht.range('C3').value = '688.261'

#  Insert 1 Row 
# sht.range('a1').value = [1,2,3,4]
#  Equivalent to 
# sht.range('a1:d4').value = [1,2,3,4]

#  Insert 1 Column 
# sht.range('a2').options(transpose=True).value = [5,6,7,8]

#  Insert columns and columns at the same time 
# sht.range('a6').expand('table').value = [['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],['g','h','i']]

#  Generate files in the current directory'demo1.xlsx')

# import os
# path1=os.path.abspath('.')  #  Represents the absolute path of the folder in which you are currently located 
# print(path1)
# path2=os.path.abspath('..') #  Indicates the folder in which you are currently located 1 Absolute path of level folder 
# print(path2)

#  For the path problem, just switch to the specified directory 

2. How does the xlwings library insert values into excel?

a, insert a single value: sht. range ('A1'). value = 'Product Name'
b, insert line 1: sht. range ('a1'). value = [1, 2, 3, 4] or sht. range ('a 1: d4'). value = [1, 2, 3, 4]
c, insert 1 column: sht. range ('a2'). options (transpose=True). value = [5, 6, 7, 8]
d, insert column and column: sht. range ('a6'). expand ('table'). value = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i']]

3. Basic operation steps of reading and writing excel in xlwings library?

Is to follow the xlwings library logic (applying- > Workbook- > Worksheet- > Range) operation can be opened, remember to close it, read it, write it

app = xw.App(visible=True, add_book=False)
#  Workbook 
wb = app.books.add()
#  Page sheet1
sht = wb.sheets['sheet1']
#  Insert columns and columns at the same time 
sht.range('a6').expand('table').value = [['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],['g','h','i']]
#  Generate files in the current directory'demo1.xlsx')

4. How does the xlwings library read the data in excel?

print(sht.range('a1:c7').value) You can read rows, columns, or both 

#  Read column and column: read A1:C7 (Just fill in the range of cells) , Get 1 A 2 Dimension list 

#  Read rows: of 1 Dimension list  
# print(sht.range('a1:c1').value)

#  Read column: of 1 Dimension list 
# print(sht.range('a1:a7').value)

import xlwings as xw

app = xw.App(visible=True, add_book=False)
#  Display alerts () 
app.display_alerts = True
#  Screen update (in application) 
app.screen_updating = True
#  Open a file 

wb ='demo1.xlsx')
sht = wb.sheets['sheet1']

#  Read cells through traversal 
# column_name = ['A','B',"C"]
# data_list = [] # Save data to list Zhongqu 
# for i in range(3): #  Traverse a line 
#   row_list = []
#   for j in range(3): # Traversing columns 
#     str1 = column_name[j]+str(i+1)
#     a = sht.range(str1).value
#     row_list.append(a)
#     print(a)
#     pass
#   data_list.append(row_list)
#   pass
# print(data_list)

#  Read column and column: read A1:C7 (Just fill in the range of cells) , Get 1 A 2 Dimension list 

#  Read rows: of 1 Dimension list  
# print(sht.range('a1:c1').value)

#  Read column: of 1 Dimension list 
# print(sht.range('a1:a7').value)

2. Summary of reading and writing excel in python xlwings library

1. Write


xlwings 是 Python 中操作Excel 的1个第3方库,

pip3 install xlwings

import xlwings as xw


app = xw.App(visible=True, add_book=False)

excel文件(excel程序):wb = app.books.add()

sheet:sht = wb.sheets['sheet1']

sht.range('a6').expand('table').value = [['a','b'],['d','e']]


import xlwings as xw

# 写到Excel中去
# add_book也就是是否增加excel 的book
# visible=True 表示操作过程是否可显示
app = xw.App(visible=True, add_book=False)
# 工作簿
wb = app.books.add()

# 页sheet1
sht = wb.sheets['sheet1']
# 单个值插入
# sht.range('A1').value = '产品名称'
# sht.range('B1').value = '编号'
# sht.range('C1').value = '价格'
# sht.range('A2').value = '不告诉你'
# sht.range('B2').value = 'n110110'
# sht.range('C2').value = '688.26'
# sht.range('A3').value = '不告诉你1'
# sht.range('B3').value = 'n1101101'
# sht.range('C3').value = '688.261'

# 插入1行
# sht.range('a1').value = [1,2,3,4]
# 等同于
# sht.range('a1:d4').value = [1,2,3,4]

# 插入1列
# sht.range('a2').options(transpose=True).value = [5,6,7,8]

# 同时插入行列
# sht.range('a6').expand('table').value = [['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],['g','h','i']]

# 在当前目录下生成文件'demo1.xlsx')

# import os
# path1=os.path.abspath('.')  # 表示当前所处的文件夹的绝对路径
# print(path1)
# path2=os.path.abspath('..') # 表示当前所处的文件夹上1级文件夹的绝对路径
# print(path2)

# 关于路径问题,切换到指定目录即可

2. Read

import xlwings as xw

app = xw.App(visible=True, add_book=False)
#  Display alerts () 
app.display_alerts = True
#  Screen update (in application) 
app.screen_updating = True
#  Open a file 

wb ='demo1.xlsx')
sht = wb.sheets['sheet1']

#  Read cells through traversal 
# column_name = ['A','B',"C"]
# data_list = [] # Save data to list Zhongqu 
# for i in range(3): #  Traverse a line 
#   row_list = []
#   for j in range(3): # Traversing columns 
#     str1 = column_name[j]+str(i+1)
#     a = sht.range(str1).value
#     row_list.append(a)
#     print(a)
#     pass
#   data_list.append(row_list)
#   pass
# print(data_list)

#  Read column and column: read A1:C7 (Just fill in the range of cells) , Get 1 A 2 Dimension list 

#  Read rows: of 1 Dimension list 
# print(sht.range('a1:c1').value)

#  Read column: of 1 Dimension list 
# print(sht.range('a1:a7').value)

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