Python Modify the column specified in the DBF file

  • 2021-08-31 08:30:55
  • OfStack

1. Requirements:

A company receives a batch of DBF files every day, and the dealstat field is set to 1 (processed) after A system processes them in real time. Now the B system also needs to process this file every night, so the dealstat field in the file needs to be modified to be empty (unprocessed).

2. Analysis:

1. A copy should be created for modification

Answer: Use shutil. copy

2. Modify DBF

Answer: Use the dbf module. The documents found in this module are old and need to be understood in combination with the code.

3. Code implementation:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_

@Time  : 2020-01-15 10:43
@Author : Peanut_C

import os
import time
import shutil
import dbf

source_dir = r'D:\'
destination_dir = r'E:\'

""" Delete old files in the destination folder """
for file in os.listdir(destination_dir):
print('INFO ===>>>  History file deletion complete! \n')

""" File copy task """
for file in os.listdir(source_dir):
  shutil.copy(file, destination_dir)
print('INFO ===>>>  Today's file copy is complete! \n')

"""DBF Modify task """
for file in os.listdir(destination_dir):
  tb = dbf.Table(file) #  Create tb Instances 
  # print(tb) #  Print tb Information 
  titles = dbf.get_fields(file) #  Print the header as a list 
  # print(titles)
  if 'dealstat' in titles:
    flag = 0 #  File modification mark #  Read-write mode turned on tb
    for record in tb:
      with record as r:
        if r.dealstat is not None:
          # print(r.dealstat)
          r.dealstat = ''
          flag = 1 #  Modify to change the tag to 1
          # print(r.dealstat)
      # print(record.dealstat)
    if flag == 0:
      print(file + "===>>> There is no data to modify! \n")
      print(file + "===>>>DealStat The field has been modified! \n")
    print(file + "===>>> No DealStat Fields! \n")

print('INFO ===>>>  Today's document has been revised! \n')

4. Operation:

Run the program, first empty the target directory, then create a copy of the file, and finally process the DBF files in the directory in turn.

It's a simple feature, but it saves a lot of time, and other modifications to DBF can be made by analogy.

I hope I can help friends in need.

Give me a lot of advice!

The above is Python modifies DBF file specified column details, more about Python modifies DBF file information please pay attention to this site other related articles!

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