Instance of pymongo insert_many Bulk Insertion

  • 2021-08-17 00:14:42
  • OfStack

I won't talk too much, let's just look at the code ~

dl = dt.find(query)

for m in dl:
  if len(bf)==20000:

Additional knowledge: Python manipulates two ways Mongodb inserts data: insert_one () and insert_many ()

Code description:

Insert the data of table in mysql into mongodb

import web
from pymongo import MongoClient
class getPltfList(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.db1 = web.database(dbn='mysql', db = 'episode', user = 'root', pw= 'abc111--', host = '')
    self.db1.printing = False
    self.db2 = web.database(dbn='mysql', db = 'episode_soc', user = 'root', pw= 'abc111--', host = '')
    self.db2.printing = False
    self.db3 = web.database(dbn='mysql', db = 'cl_episode', user = 'root', pw= 'abc111--', host = '')
    self.db3.printing = False
    self.db4 = web.database(dbn='mysql', db = 'cl_episode_soc', user = 'root', pw= 'abc111--', host = '')
    self.db4.printing = False
  def __call__(self):
    return self.createPltfList()

  def createPltfList(self):
    self.ckpltfList = list(self.db1.query('select name, ip from EPISODE_PLTF_INFO order by id DESC'))
    self.ckpltfList += list(self.db2.query('select name, ip from EPISODE_PLTF_INFO order by id DESC'))
    self.clpltfList = list(self.db3.query('select name, ip from EPISODE_PLTF_INFO order by id DESC'))
    self.clpltfList += list(self.db4.query('select name, ip from EPISODE_PLTF_INFO order by id DESC'))

    return self.ckpltfList,self.clpltfList

if __name__ == '__main__' :
  mpList = list()
  flag = 0
  tmp = 0
  sum1 = 0
  sum2 = 0
  pltfList = getPltfList()()
  client = MongoClient("", 27017)
  mdb = client.episode
  collection = mdb.pltf_basic_info
  # print (type(pltfList[1])) #list
  result= list()
  for pltf_my in pltfList[0]:
    pltf_mog = collection.find()
    for record in pltf_mog:
      IP = record.get('Cfg').get('Debug_IP')
      Name = record.get('Cfg').get('Register_Name')
      # print IP, Name
      if IP == pltf_my['ip'] and Name == pltf_my['name'] :
        flag = 1
        # print IP, Name
        flag = 0

    if flag == 0 :
      data1 = {"Cfg" : {"Debug_IP" : pltf_my['ip'],"Register_Name":pltf_my['name'], "Site":"SH-CK"} }
      # print data1
      # collection.insert_one(data1)
      # collection.delete_one(data)
      sum1 = sum1+1
  # print len(result)
  # collection.insert_many(result)
  for pltf_my in pltfList[1]:
    pltf_mog = collection.find()
    for record in pltf_mog:
      IP = record.get('Cfg').get('Debug_IP')
      Name = record.get('Cfg').get('Register_Name')
      if pltf_my['ip'].encode("utf-8") == IP.encode("utf-8") and pltf_my['name'].encode("utf-8") == Name.encode("utf-8") :
        tmp = 1
        # print IP, Name
        tmp = 0

    if tmp == 0 :
      data2 = {"Cfg" : {"Debug_IP":pltf_my['ip'],"Register_Name":pltf_my['name'], "Site":"SH-CL"} }
      # print data2

      # collection.insert_one(data2)
      # collection.delete_one(data)
      sum2 = sum2+1

  print sum1,sum2

In the beginning, I used the insert_one () method, one by one inserted into the set of mongodb, but the calculated sum was different.

In the process of debugging, I found that:

Comment out # collection.insert_one (data1) # collection.insert_one (data2)

The calculated sum1 = 193 sum2 = 222 is reasonable because there are 193 records in ck_mysql, 234 records in cl_mysql, and a total of 15 records in mongod, but 12 are duplicates of cl_mysql, so they are correct.

But when I remove the comments and use collection.insert_one (data1) collection.insert_one (data2), the printed sum1=181 sum2 = 213

That is to say, there are a few data missing, and I don't know where I went.

After thinking a lot of ideas, I used the method of insert_many () to insert. First define an list (), append each data (data type is dict) to list: reslult. append (data1/data2), and finally result will contain all the data, 1 insert.

As a result, the problem was solved.

But I'm still confused what went wrong with insert_one ()! ! ! ! ! !

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