Detailed Explanation of Main Function Design of Python Enterprise Code Generation System

  • 2021-07-26 08:37:09
  • OfStack

This paper describes the main function design of Python enterprise code generation system with examples. Share it for your reference, as follows:

1 Description of main functions

函数 功能
mkdir 判断保存防伪码或补充防伪码的文件夹是否存在,如果不存在则建立文件夹。
openfile 读取文本文件函数,主要读取保存产品编码和生成数量的文件mrsoft.mri,以及用户选择的已生成的编码文件。
inputbox 输入验证判断函数,根据参数判断输入的是哪种类型,是否合法
wfile 编码输出显示函数,通过屏幕输出和文件输出两种方式输出生成的防伪码信息。

2 mkdir function implementation

#  Create folder function 
def mkdir(path):
  isexists = os.path.exists(path) #  Determine whether the folder path exists 
  if not isexists: #  If the folder path does not exist 
    os.mkdir(path) #  Create the folder you want to create 

3 openfile function implementation

#  Function for reading file contents 
def openfile(filename):
  f = open(filename) #  Open the specified file 
  fllist = #  Read the contents of a file 
  f.close() #  Close a file 
  return fllist #  Returns the contents of the read file 

4 inputbox function implementation

# 输入验证函数,showstr为input函数提供动态输入提示文字,showorder提供验证方式,length提供要求输入数据的长度
def inputbox(showstr, showorder, length):
  instr = input(showstr) # 使用input函数要求用户输入信息,showstr为输入提示文字
  if len(instr) != 0: # 输入数据的长度不为零
    # 根据输入数据的要求,分成3种验证方式验证,1:数字,不限位数;2:字母;3:数字且有位数要求
    if showorder == 1: # 验证方式 ,数字格式,不限位数,大于零的整数
      if str.isdigit(instr): # 验证是否为数字
        if instr == 0: # 验证数字是否为0,如果是,要求重新输入,返回值为0
          print("\033[1;31;40m 输入为零,请重新输入!!\033[0m") # 要求重新输入,返回值为“0”
          return "0" # 函数返回值为“0”,为什么返回值为“0”呢?读者思考1下
        else: # 如果输入正确,返回输入的数据给返回值
          return instr # 将输入的数据传给函数返回值
      else: # 如果输入不是数字,要求用户重新输入,函数返回值为“0”
        print("\033[1;31;40m输入非法,请重新输入!!\033[0m") # 要求用户重新输入
        return "0" # 函数返回值为“0”
    if showorder == 2: # 验证方式2 ,要求字母格式,且是3个字母
      if str.isalpha(instr): # 判断输入是否为字母
        if len(instr) != length: # 判断输入的是否为3个字母,如果不是,则要求重新输入,返回值为“0”
          print("\033[1;31;40m必须输入3个字母,请重新输入!!\033[0m") # 要求重新输入
          return "0" # 返回值为“0”
        else: # 如果输入是3个字母,返回输入的字母
          return instr # 将函数返回值设置为输入的字母
      else: # 如果输入不是字母
        print("\033[1;31;40m输入非法,请重新输入!!\033[0m") # 要求重新输入
        return "0" # 返回值为“0”
    if showorder == 3: # 验证方式3 ,要求数字格式,且输入数字位数有要求
      if str.isdigit(instr): # 验证是否为数字
        if len(instr) != length: # 验证输入数字是否为要求长度位数,如果不是3位数字,则要求重新输入
          print("\033[1;31;40m必须输入" + str(length) + "个数字,请重新输入!!\033[0m") # 要求重新输入
          return "0" # 返回值为“0”
        else: # 输入数字满足要求,设置函数返回值为输入信息
          return instr # 设置函数返回值为输入信息
      else: # 如果输入不是数字
        print("\033[1;31;40m输入非法,请重新输入!!\033[0m") # 提示输入非法,要求重新输入
        return "0" # 函数返回值为“0”
  else: # 如果没有输入任何内容,即输入为空
    print("\033[1;31;40m输入为空,请重新输入!!\033[0m") # 提示输入为空,要求重新输入
    return "0" # 函数返回值为“0”

5 wfile function implementation

#  Realize screen output and file output coding information function, # sstr Parameter is output anti-counterfeiting code data , sfile Is the file name of the output 
# typeis Set whether to prompt through the message box after the output is completed , smsg Is the prompt text of the information prompt box, datapath  Folder for saving security codes 
def wfile(sstr, sfile, typeis, smsg, datapath):
  mkdir(datapath) #  Call this function to create a folder 
  datafile = datapath + "\\" + sfile #  Set the file to save the security code (including the path) 
  file = open(datafile, 'w') #  Open the file where the security code is saved, and create the file if it does not exist 
  wrlist = sstr #  Assign the security code information to wrlist
  pdata = "" #  Empty variable pdata , pdata Store the security code information output by the screen 
  wdata = "" #  Empty variable  wdata  ,  wdata  Storing security code information saved to a text file 
  for i in range(len(wrlist)): #  Read anti-counterfeiting code data by strip cycle 
    wdata = str(wrlist[i].replace('[', '')).replace(']', '') #  Remove brackets from characters 
    wdata = wdata.replace(''''','').replace(''''', '') #  Remove quotation marks from characters 
    file.write(str(wdata)) #  Write the file where the security code is saved 
    pdata = pdata + wdata #  Stores a single security code to the pdata  Variable 
  file.close() #  Close a file 
  print("\033[1;31m" + pdata + "\033[0m") #  The screen outputs the generated anti-counterfeiting code information 
  if typeis != "no": #  Whether to display the message prompt box of "Output Complete". If typeis The value of is " no " , Display without showing 
    #  Displays the message prompt box of "Output Complete". The display information contains the saving path of the anti-counterfeiting information code 
    tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(" Prompt ", smsg + str(len(randstr)) + "\n  Storage location of anti-counterfeiting code file: " + datafile)
    root.withdraw() #  Close auxiliary window 

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I hope this article is helpful to everyone's Python programming.

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