Django logging configuration and use details

  • 2021-07-26 07:57:43
  • OfStack

1. settings. py file

The following is the logging configuration commonly used in writing Django projects in my work.

#  Log configuration 
BASE_LOG_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "log")

  'version': 1, #  Reserved word 
  'disable_existing_loggers': False, #  Disable log instances that already exist 
  'formatters': { #  Define the format of the log 
    'standard': {
      'format': '[%(asctime)s][%(threadName)s:%(thread)d][task_id:%(name)s][%(filename)s:%(lineno)d]'
    'simple': {
      'format': '[%(levelname)s][%(asctime)s][%(filename)s:%(lineno)d]%(message)s'
    'collect': {
      'format': '%(message)s'
  'filters': { #  Define filters for logs 
    'require_debug_true': {
      '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugTrue',
  'handlers': { #  Log handler 
    'console': {
      'level': 'DEBUG',
      'filters': ['require_debug_true'], #  Only when Django debug For True Print the log on the screen when 
      'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
      'formatter': 'simple'
    'SF': {
      'level': 'INFO',
      'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', #  Save to file, automatically cut according to file size 
      'filename': os.path.join(BASE_LOG_DIR, "xxx_info.log"), #  Log file 
      'maxBytes': 1024 * 1024 * 500, #  Log size  50M (It is best not to exceed 1G ) 
      'backupCount': 3, #  The number of backups is 3 xx.log --> xx.log.1 --> xx.log.2 --> xx.log.3
      'formatter': 'standard',
      'encoding': 'utf-8', #  Encoding format of file records 
    'TF': {
      'level': 'INFO',
      'class': 'logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler', #  Save to file and cut automatically according to time 
      'filename': os.path.join(BASE_LOG_DIR, "xxx_info.log"), #  Log file 
      'backupCount': 3, #  The number of backups is 3 xx.log --> xx.log.2018-08-23_00-00-00 --> xx.log.2018-08-24_00-00-00 --> ...
      'when': 'D', #  Every day 1 Cut,   Optional values are S/ Seconds  M/ Points  H/ Hours  D/ Days  W0-W6/ Week (0= Week 1) midnight/ If no time is specified, it defaults to midnight 
      'formatter': 'standard',
      'encoding': 'utf-8',
    'error': {
      'level': 'ERROR',
      'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', #  Save to file, automatically cut 
      'filename': os.path.join(BASE_LOG_DIR, "xxx_err.log"), #  Log file 
      'maxBytes': 1024 * 1024 * 5, #  Log size  50M
      'backupCount': 5,
      'formatter': 'standard',
      'encoding': 'utf-8',
    'collect': {
      'level': 'INFO',
      'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', #  Save to file, automatically cut 
      'filename': os.path.join(BASE_LOG_DIR, "xxx_collect.log"),
      'maxBytes': 1024 * 1024 * 50, #  Log size  50M
      'backupCount': 5,
      'formatter': 'collect',
      'encoding': "utf-8"
  'loggers': { #  Log instance 
    '': { #  Default logger Apply the following configuration 
      'handlers': ['SF', 'console', 'error'], #  After going online, you can put 'console' Remove 
      'level': 'DEBUG',
      'propagate': True, #  Upward or not 1 Grade logger Instance delivers log information 
    'collect': { #  Called  'collect'  Adj. logger It is also handled separately 
      'handlers': ['console', 'collect'],
      'level': 'INFO',

2. Create an log folder under the Django root

3. Use of logging

With logging configuration, we will try not to use print statements to print information and debug BUG in future projects. More professionally, we will use logger objects to save and print error messages.

For example:

import logging

#  Instantiation logging Object , With the name of the current file as the logger Name of the instance 
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#  Generate 1 A name is called  collect  Log instance of 
logger_c = logging.getLogger('collect')

class Foo(object):
  def test(self, data):
    logger.debug(data) #  Print data
    except Exception as e:
      logger.error(str(e))  #  Save and print error messages 

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