Example of python reading and modifying pcap packet

  • 2021-07-24 11:32:54
  • OfStack

Train of thought

Using scapy library, we can do a lot of things on the basis of this library. python reads pcap packet network 1 to find 1.

Will read out the pcap package change a name, and then write back, this is not OK

The function written back is: scapy. wrpcap ('filename', list)

The first parameter is filename, the second parameter is an list, and the list for storing the message

Sample code

import scapy.all as scapy
from scapy.layers import http
import random
#p Is 1 Heap data , All kinds of data on the upper layers 

charset = 'QWER.;[]?|%123445TYUerty!@#$%^&*()-uiopadDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwfghjklzcvbnm,6789=+'  # The character set is here , You can change it at will 

def string_change(str_data):       # Replace by character set 1 Attack strings of equal length 
  str_response = ''
  for i in range(len(str_data)):
    index = random.randint(0,len(charset)-1) #  Random whole interval 
  print str_response
  return str_response

#  Extract pacp All packages in the file , Rewrite path Field is then written to the new pcap,tcp Streams are saved 
list_a = []
if __name__ == '__main__':
  count = 0      # Used to record repeatedly generated sample data 
  port = 0
  packeges = scapy.rdpcap('/home/seen/ Desktop /http.pcap')
    # Attack traffic with confusion 
    for p in packeges:       # When copying the stream again, you need to modify the port or something , It hasn't been done here yet 
      temp = p
      if temp.haslayer("HTTPRequest"):
        temp["HTTPRequest"].Path = string_change(temp["HTTPRequest"].Path)
    count = count + 1
  scapy.wrpcap('/home/seen/ Desktop /test_1to0.pcap',list_a)

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