Detailed explanation of the use of Python generator decorator and recursion

  • 2021-07-22 10:39:38
  • OfStack

1. Python generator expression

1), Python generator expression

Syntax format:

(expr for iter_var in iterable)

(expr for iter_var in iterable ifcond_expr)

2), custom generator

Using yield in the function returns 1 generator object. yieldx

Generator usage example:

In [1]:list((i**2 for i in range(1,11)))

Out[1]:[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]

In [2]:def genNum(x):

 ...:  y = 0

 ...:  while y <= x:

 ...:    yield y

 ...:    y += 1

In [3]: g1= genNum(4)

In [4]:type(g1)


In [5]


In [6]


In [7]


In [8]


In [9]


In [10]


StopIteration      Traceback (most recent call last)




In [11]:def genNum(n):

 ....:  i = 1

 ....:  while i <= n:

 ....:    yield i ** 2

 ....:    i += 1

In [12]:g1 = genNum(20)

In [13]:for i in g1:

 ....:  print i,


1 4 9 1625 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361400

2. Python decorator

1) The decorator itself is a function for decorating other functions;

2) Function: Enhance the function of the decorated function;

Decorator 1 accepts a function object as an argument to enhance it

Example 1: Decorator usage example

In [1]:def decorater(func):

 ...:  def wrapper():

 ...:    print "Just a Decorater!"

 ...:    func()

 ...:    raw_input('Please Input your name:')

 ...:  return wrapper


In [2]:@decorater

  ...:def show():

 ...:  print "I am from China."


In [3]:show()

Just aDecorater!

I am fromChina.

PleaseInput your name:Fieldyang

Example 2: Decorate a function that can pass in parameters

In [1]:def decorater(func):

 ...:  def wrapper(x):

 ...:    print "Just a Decorater!"

 ...:    func(x)

 ...:    raw_input('Please Input your name:')

 ...:  return wrapper


In [2]:@decorater

  ...:def show(x):

 ...:  print "I am from China.%s" %x


In [3]:show('how are you ?')

Just aDecorater!

I am are you ?

PleaseInput your name:Fieldyang

3. Python recursion

Recursion requires boundary conditions, recursive forward segment and recursive return segment.

    10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 *1

    10 *  ( 10-1 ) *  (( 10-1 ) -1 ) * ...

Examples of using recursive functions:

In [1]:def recursion(n):

 ...:  if n <= 1: return 1

 ...:  else: return n * recursion(n-1)


A recursive function is equivalent to the following procedure:

In [2]: recursion(3) = 3 * recursion(2)= 3 * 2 *recursion(1)=3*2*1


In [3]:recursion(3)


In [4]:recursion(4)


In [5]:recursion(5)


In [6]:recursion(10)


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