A detailed explanation of the common operation of request and response in django views

  • 2021-07-22 10:13:44
  • OfStack


Getting json data from an post request

def hello(request):
 data = json.loads(request.body)

json format also has 1 non-form serialization format, all of which can get the data in the request body from request. body. For ajax request, you can use request.is_ajax () to judge

Obtain base url according to the requested information (sometimes there are many domain names for service, or need to dynamically splice url information under 1)

# url http://wificdn.com:8888/wxpay/qrcode2/16122010404238801544?name=lzz
request.get_host() # wificdn.com:8888
request.get_full_path() # u'/wxpay/qrcode2/16122010404238801544?name=lzz'

request.build_absolute_uri('/') # 'http://wificdn.com:8888/'
request.build_absolute_uri('/hello') # 'http://wificdn.com:8888/hello'
request.build_absolute_uri() # 'http://wificdn.com:8888/wxpay/qrcode2/16122010404238801544?name=lzz'

request.path # u'/wxpay/qrcode2/16122010404238801544'
request.scheme # 'http'

Get the selected checkbox information in the form, for example, name of checkbox is checks

var_list = request.POST.getlist('checks')

Returns an list object, if it does not return [], and if it does not have this key in the form, it also returns []


json format response version 1.8 has provided JsonResponse, from django. http import JsonResponse can be used, the lower version of django can refer to the source code to write one, just a few lines of code. Setting cookies and header in response

def xxxxview(request):

 resp = HttpResponseRedirect('/account/portal/?token=%s' % es)
 resp.set_cookie("coofilter", es, max_age=300)
 resp['Erya-Net-Type'] = NET_TYPE
 resp['Erya-Auth-Host'] = AUTH_HOST
 resp['Erya-Auth-Port'] = AUTH_PORT
 resp['Erya-Auth-Uip'] = ip
 resp['Erya-Auth-Token'] = es
 return resp


how to use session, mainly get and set, and delete

def post_comment(request, new_comment):
 if request.session.get('has_commented', False):
 return HttpResponse("You've already commented.")
 c = comments.Comment(comment=new_comment)
 request.session['has_commented'] = True
 return HttpResponse('Thanks for your comment!')

def logout(request):
 del request.session['member_id']
 except KeyError:
 return HttpResponse("You're logged out.")


def login(request):
 response = HttpResponseRedirect('/url/to_your_home_page')
 response.set_cookie('cookie_name1', 'cookie_name1_value')
 response.set_cookie('cookie_name2', 'cookie_name2_value')
 return response

def logout(request):
 response = HttpResponseRedirect('/url/to_your_login')
 return response

#  Get 
coo = request.COOKIES.get('coofilter')
# cookies  Expired time 
hr.set_cookie('user_id', user_id, max_age=300)    

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