Realization of Python Using Regular Expression to Segment String

  • 2021-07-22 10:02:16
  • OfStack

As follows:

re.split(pattern, string, [maxsplit], [flags])

pattern: Represents a pattern string converted from the regular expression to match.

string: Represents the string to match.

maxsplit: Optional parameter indicating the maximum number of splits.

flags: An optional parameter representing a flag bit is used to control the matching method, such as whether the numeric mother is capitalized or not

Sample code:

import re

pattern = r'[?|&]'           #  Define Delimiter 
url = '"wei"&pwd="123"' #  String to be split 
result = re.split(pattern, url) #  With pattern Value of   Split string 

 Implementation results: 
 ['', 'username="wei"', 'pwd="123"']

Common signs:

标志 说明
A 或 ASCII 对于\w、\W、\b、\B、\d、\D、\s和\S只进行ASCII匹配(仅适用于Python3.x)
I 或 IGNORECASE 执行不区分子母大小写的匹配
M 或 MULTILINE 将^和$用于包括整个字符串的开始和结尾的每1行(默认情况下,仅适用于整个字符串的开始和结尾处)
S 或 DOTALL 使用(.)字符匹配所有字符,包括换行符
X 或 VERBOSE 忽略模式字符串中未转义的空格和注释

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