Method of python to realize perfect string splitting split of

  • 2021-07-22 10:01:35
  • OfStack

Function: split ()


We want to split the following string rule. The string represents a rule, and "…" is obtained from "…". We need to extract the condition attributes and values in the rules and store them in the condition attribute list cf_list and the value list cv_list. The conclusion attributes and values of the rules are also extracted and stored in the result attribute list rf_list and the value list rc_list respectively.

rule = '{age=Middle-aged,sex=Male,education=Bachelors}=>{native-country=United-States}'


rule = '{age=Middle-aged,sex=Male,education=Bachelors}=>{native-country=United-States}'
c_s, r_s = s.split("=>")
c_list = c_s.split("{")[1].split("}")[0].split(",")
r = r_s.split("{")[1].split("}")[0]

cf_list = []
cv_list = []
for c in c_list:
 cf, cv = c.split("=")
rf, rv = r.split("=")

print(cf_list, cv_list, rf, rv)


([ ' age',  ' sex',  ' education'], [ ' Middle-aged',  ' Male',  ' Bachelors'],  ' native-country',  ' United-States')

Partial code description:


c_s, r_s = s.split("=>")

'= > 'Is a separator that divides the string rule into two parts: {age=Middle-aged, sex=Male, education=Bachelors} and {native-country=United-States}


c_list = c_s.split("{")[1].split("}")[0].split(",")

This line filters out {and} in the string {age=Middle-aged, sex=Male, education=Bachelors}, separates each condition and stores it in a list. Specifically, c_s. split ("{") splits the string {age=Middle-aged, sex=Male, education=Bachelors} into a list of two elements ['', 'age=Middle-aged, sex=Male, education=Bachelors}']. The first element is an empty string and contains no information, so only the second element of the split result, c_s. split ("{") [1] is taken. Similarly, c_s]. split ("}") [0] splits strings with} on top of previous splits and filters out empty strings.

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