Calling method of COM port in Python

  • 2021-07-09 08:33:28
  • OfStack

As shown below:

import serial
import time

t = serial.Serial('com6', 115200) #USB COM number on your PC and the transfer bit rate of the COM port.
print t.portstr #Display the working UART port number on your PC.
n = t.write('logcat -c \r')
n = t.write('ampclient_samples 2 -O 3 /mnt/media_rw/B278-E25A/video_google_clips/New_Webm/bunny_1080P.webm \r')
print "Does the stream output normally? Yes=1 or No=2"
Input = int(raw_input())
if Input == 1:
  print "Pass!!!"
  n = t.write(chr(0x03)) #Call for Ctrl+C command in UART port
  n = t.write('logcat -c \r')
  print "Fail!!!"
  n = t.write(chr(0x03))
  #n = t.write('logcat -v threadtime /r')

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