An Example of Automatic Triggering of Serial Port by python

  • 2021-07-06 11:33:08
  • OfStack

Recently in an python tool need to achieve the serial port automatic trigger work function, before only in winform above the implementation, today use python try. Here's a brief note:

First, implement an Button with wxpython, and click the event binding function OnButtonAutoStopAll

self.button_autoStopAll = wx.Button(id=wxID_FRAME1BUTTONAUTOSTARTALL, label=u'AUTO STOP ALL',
       name='button_autoStop', parent=self.staticBox_common, pos=wx.Point(8, 284),
       size=wx.Size(180, 80), style=0)
    self.button_autoStopAll.SetFont(wx.Font(24, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD, False,
       u'Agency FB'))
    self.button_autoStopAll.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonAutoStopAll,

Then there is ComboBox control to automatically load the current serial port name when clicking drop-down

 self.combox = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, pos=wx.Point(10,100), size=wx.Size(100,50), 
     style=wx.CB_READONLY) # Serial port combox
 self.combox.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX_DROPDOWN, self.evt_combox_dropdown)

Drop-down menu event function

def evt_combox_dropdown(self, event):
    print 'combox%d dropdown'%self.sta_num
    serial_list = list(
    if serial_list: # Determine whether it is null 
      portName_list = []
  # Conversion serial handle For port name
      for i in range(0, len(serial_list)):
        portname = list(serial_list[i])
      print portName_list

Then get down to business, which is triggered according to DSR signal.

# Serial port automatically triggers detection thread 
class Job(threading.Thread):
  def run(self):
    while self.__running.isSet():
      self.__flag.wait()       #  For True Return immediately when ,  For False Block until the internal ID bit is True Back 
      print "into job function"
      isOpen = serial_isOpen(i)
      if serial_list[i]!=1 and isOpen:
        now_dsr = serial_list[i].getDSR()
        if now_dsr != last_dsr[i]:
          last_dsr[i] = now_dsr
          print 'dsr level changed to %d'%now_dsr
          if now_dsr == True:
            if thread_list[i] != 1:
              if ~thread_list[i].is_alive():
                serial_Open(0, False)
                #do something
              serial_Open(0, False)
              #do something

That is, every time the DSR signal is set low, it triggers the operation

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