Summary of Differences between while and for in python

  • 2021-07-03 00:39:10
  • OfStack

There is no difference between for cycle and while cycle in Python, but in practical application, it is not targeted.

The while loop is suitable for loops with unknown number of loops, and the for loop is suitable for loops with known number of loops.

for is mainly used in traversal, such as:

for i in range(10):


 The printed result is: 

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  

list1 = [1,2,"a " ]

for i in list1:


# Print as a step-by-step list list1 Elements in: 




However, while loop is rarely used for traversal (there are too many statements, which is not as convenient as for), and while is mainly used to judge the loop under the conditions, such as:

i = 0

while True:

  if i<3:


    i += 1

  else : 

    print("i>=3 La !")


# Run result: When i Overlay to 3 Before, print in turn i Value of, when i Equal to 3 Judge that the statement is not true and execute it else Statement, jump out while Cycle 

# Print results: 




Extension instance:

while a==10:
 #%s 通用占位符
 if number=='0':
#第2种结束while循环的方式 使用break关键字结束循环
#True 布尔类型的数据 True(真 可以使用数字1表示)和False(假 可以使用数字0表示)
while True:
 if number=='0':

for Examples of circular application (99 Multiplication table )
#python In for Cycle 
#for  Specify the number of cycles 
# Utilization for Cycle   Output 99 Multiplication table 
# Output range, including 5 , excluding 10
#for x in range(5,10):
# print x,
for i in range(1,10):
 for j in range(1,i+1):
  # print ('%s*%s=%s'%(i,j,i*j))
  #\t Represents tabulation, aligning vertically 
   print(' %d*%d=%d'%(j,i,j*i),end="")
  # print j, "*", i, "=", i * j,' ',
 # Line break 3 Ways: Methods 1 print \  Method 2 print '\n'  Method 3 : '\r'

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