Explain the advantages and differences between python and matlab in detail

  • 2021-07-03 00:38:22
  • OfStack

Python is an object-oriented interpretive computer programming language. Python is pure free software, and the source code and interpreter CPython follow the GPL (GNU General Public License) protocol. Python syntax is concise and clear, and one of its characteristics is to force white space (white space) as statement indentation.

Advantages of Python:

The biggest advantage of Python over Matlab: free. But now that you can use Matlab, you probably don't care about it.

Great advantage of Python: open source. You can change the algorithmic details of scientific calculation a lot.

Portability, Matlab must be inferior to Python. But you mainly do Research, so the demand in this area should not be high.

In the third ecology, Matlab is inferior to Python. For example, the drawing toolkit of 3D, such as GUI, such as more convenient parallelism, using GPU, Functional and so on. In the long run, the scientific computing ecology of Python will be better than that of Matlab.

The language is more beautiful. In addition, if there is a fixed demand for OOP and a larger scientific computing system is built, it is definitely much simpler to use Python directly than to use Matlab hybrid scheme.

After all, it is a general programming language. It is widely used to do Web, make a crawler, make a script and write a gadget.

MATLAB is a commercial mathematics software produced by MathWorks Company of America. It is an advanced technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis and numerical calculation, mainly including MATLAB and Simulink.

Advantages of Matlab:

Community. Since your lab uses Matlab, most scholars in your field probably use Matlab. Communication is bound to be more convenient.

Simulink, it can only be said that this is a work of conscience, but it seems that the subject doesn't need it...

Matlab originally claimed to be faster, but in fact, due to the increasingly perfect ecology of Python, this advantage has been gradually lost

Difference between python and matlab

The biggest advantage of Python compared with Matlab is that Python is a general programming language, and numpy, scipy and matplotlib which realize scientific computing function are only libraries of Python and Package. Besides, Python also has libraries and packages for various purposes, such as PyQt and wxPython for GUI, Django and Flask for Web

Compared with Python, Matlab has the greatest advantage: It is specially developed for numerical calculation. In this field of numerical calculation, there are the most libraries, the most people used and the most books published

Extended reading:

How to Choose python and matlab

If you do strategy research and data analysis, the two functions are similar, but you should choose matlab because:

1 Python documentation does not have Matlab details.

2 Matlab integrates all functions in 1, while Python needs to install the required packages one by one, and the code style of different packages is not very 1.

If you have to do web crawler, data cleaning and other partial IT work, then Python is better.

Simply put, Python is a universal language that can do anything, while matlab is good at computing.

The above is all about the advantages and differences of python and matlab. Thank you for reading and supporting this site.

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