The django framework uses orm to implement bulk data updates

  • 2021-06-29 11:28:50
  • OfStack

This article provides an example of how the django framework uses orm to batch update data.Share it for your reference, as follows:

I haven't used django to change my blog for a long time, and suddenly I feel uncomfortable.No way, that's why you play python, django in your spare time and work with java.Update the parentcode of a subclass at the same time when you write a category update with django, which is a good solution if you write your own native sql.However, since django is used, it is implemented with orm of django:

The easiest way:


I forgot the most basic method.A complete example:

def updatecategory(request):
  parentid= request.POST.get('parentid','')
  ori_parent_code = cat.catcode;
  if cat:
    cat.comtype = comtype
    cat.catname = catname
    cat.parentcode = parentid
    cat.catcode = catcode
    if cat.parentcode == '-1':          models.Category.objects.filter(parentcode=ori_parent_code).update(parentcode=cat.catcode)

This will give you the right results, even if it's basic, it's easy to forget.Old age, you have to take care of it. Write a log.

I hope that the description in this paper will be helpful to everyone's Python program design based on the Django framework.

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