The python implementation returns the most frequent element method in a list

  • 2021-06-28 13:00:23
  • OfStack

As follows:

#  Return 1 The most frequent element in a list 
def showmax(lt):
    index1 = 0                       # Element subscripts that record the most occurrences 
    max = 0                          # Record the maximum number of occurrences of an element 
    for i in range(len(lt)):
        flag = 0                    # Record every 1 Number of occurrences of elements 
        for j in range(i+1,len(lt)): # ergodic i Subscript of element after 
            if lt[j] == lt[i]:
                flag += 1           # Whenever you find the same elements as yourself, flag+1
        if flag > max:              # If the number of occurrences of an element at this time is greater than the maximum, record the subscript of the element at this time 
            max = flag
            index1 = i
    return lt[index1]               # Return the most occurring element 
lt = [1,1,2,3,3,5,6,8,9,4,6,18,6,44,6,44,44,44]

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